UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Got it, thanks :slight_smile:

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You don’t know why they chose that boy, but i can assure you it was not head-to-head “over” you. You didn’t see his full application nor know what GT was looking for to round out their class. Admissions is not an exact science.

Does anyone know if getting invited to the chancellor’s reception means you get a merit scholarship?

My S21 also received this invite. Since it is virtual this year (March 23rd I believe) it will be interesting to see what the event is like and if it is different than previous years. I am not aware of any scholarship for my S21…at least not yet.

I’m sure it will have some nice presentations etc. Either way enjoy the event!

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In prior years, invites to the chancellors reception were sent in Feb to top students (Regents, honors plus others). At the regional receptions, they told the students they were admitted to UCSB. Obviously they didn’t send out early chancellor reception invites this year so it is unclear what will happen at the reception. Please come back and share what the new event is like.

My son just told me he received that email too. Perhaps that means those recipients are receiving a Chancellor’s Scholarship? Would love to know more.

That would be my guess.

If a lot of people are receiving the email, it might be their way of announcing honors and Regents. The timing (if March 23) would place the reception for top candidates in between acceptances of UCLA and Berkeley. I’m sure that isn’t coincidental.


@jntwinmama: I am sorry but the UC’s were FORCED to disregard test scores. So many of the posters, especially parents on the discussion thread are blaming the UC’s for doing something that was beyond their control. If I continue to see further posts about this issue, I will contact a Moderator whom can ban certain CC posters. Your sons got into a great school, SLO and they can only attend in College to please refrain from continuing this discussion.

@Amma1970: Wonderful post, Thank you.


Sorry. I know they were forced. I was never blaming them; just not happy with the end result of what the judge did. I followed the court case somewhat closely. The UCs were fighting it. And I was just responding to other comments on the issue. I will not anymore. P.S. We are thrilled with SLO actually and SLO was the probable plan before we even started to hear from the UCs. But my waitlisted son feels sad regardless.

As a parent I understand, but I would like to know the student’s thoughts on this subject vs. the parents. CC is not a debating platform and would like to keep this discussion focused on the students not the dissatisfaction of the decision results from the parents. None of these decisions really surprise me to be honest. Like I stated before, I have found the UC’s are unpredictable and hopefully with 4 more schools to post decisions, better results are in the future.


absolutely. You are spot on. The poor UC system’s hands were tied. There really was not anything they could do. It has been such a tough year for everyone and the UC system should not be blamed in any way. They did the best they could and what it looks like so many amazing applicants were accepted and those who weren’t will be else where . Everyone finds a home!! Best of luck to all

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As a student with a good ACT score, I didn’t really care that much but that might just be me. Luckily I was able to use my score for other colleges, but I feel like I had other aspects of my application that were good in respect to academics. I think its good that people are focusing on other things like overall academic performance over multiple years vs performance on a test that lasts 3 hours.
Also I have to mention that College Board sucks, especially with the rule that you can’t go back to a previous question in the online AP tests this year and the fact that they’re selling all our data :clown_face: :clown_face:.

Anyway, good luck to everyone on admissions and stuff :slight_smile:


Can we stay on topic and bring the discussion back to UCSB?

Has anyone been to the campus and want to share your impressions with those who haven’t been able to visit?

Gumbymom, they do provide admits by major for transfer applicants at the UC website. Data for 2020 was just posted.

BTW, you provide great info!

@lkg4answers I actually would be interested in hearing about people’s experience either visiting UCSB or what they know from other family and friends. My brother was admitted this week but never toured it due to the pandemic.

In brief, it is a gorgeous setting to go to school. Right next to the Pacific and their own beach. Mountains behind you. Only Pepperdine is comparable, IMHO.

Kids walk or bike to class. Facilities are great. Some of the off campus apartments aren’t the best, but most are fine. Kids party, but it’s not the party school the way people think (like in the 70s. - 90s).


I have not toured the campus specifically but I have driven through it. Campus looks appealing. The location is simply beautiful, the weather can’t be beat and it is a great town. I am sure others know more details.


You asked for it: Transfers by major | University of California

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