UC Santa Barbara Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I wish I toured it, was in Santa Barbara recently (not the school) and the coastline is just something else. Especially driving on the 1.


Lots of good places to eat also.

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Does UCSB also email those who have been accepted? Just curious.

My son received the Chancellor’s invite email earlier today.
Need to see what it means in terms of Scholarships.

I hope it comes with a video like what UCI did haha

UIUC does send congratulations email. Not sure UCSB.

My daughter received the Chancellors invite too. I’m curious if that means a scholarship? Or perhaps better class registration time and other benefits?

My daughter is already accepted at Berkeley and waiting on UCLA. UCSB wasn’t high on her list but could be if there are benefits to Chancellors.

Class of '93 Gaucho here with a waitlisted son who has lots of other wonderful options. UCSB is the ultimate beach/college town experience if that is a good fit for your student. The campus is majestically situated on coastal cliffs and many of the dorms have ocean views and crashing waves as you fall asleep. Our family has returned to attend the on campus summer family camp several summers in recent years. I tried my hardest to indoctrinate my kids.The investment in the campus in the last 30 years is unbelievable. Gorgeous modern buildings and facilities are everywhere. Greek life exists but has never been a huge part of the experience. That said, it is not a fit for every student. If your kid is looking for high profile athletics or plans to seek internship or career options in the geographical area of the university, UCSB is not that. Am happy to answer any questions. We live just about an hour from the campus as well, so its kinda remained my stomping grounds. Good luck everyone with the decisions.


Berkeley has already released? I thought it will be next week.

My daughter was admitted to UC Berkeley in February. Regents and some small programs were notified of acceptance early.

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For those bummed out about the test blind issue, I’m not sure how much the tests matter this year anywhere. Son accepted at UCSB, but received several rejections and waitlisted at other ‘test optional’ schools with 800m/740v SAT- some whose average was around 1420. We were surprised and disappointed at the misses but obviously very happy about this acceptance. Good luck to everyone.


Congratulations to your daughter on her early Cal acceptance!

The UCSB Regents scholarship is $6000/year ($2K/quarter) for four years. Here is more info on the additional benefits: https://www.finaid.ucsb.edu/docs/default-source/default-document-library/regents-scholars-program-info-sheet-2021

The UCSB honors program does not have a financial component. In the past, UCSB honors students received priority registration. It looks like they are no longer going to be offering that as a benefit. Honors Program | Division of Undergraduate Education - UC Santa Barbara

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did he have 4.0 gpa? that doesn’t seem right if SAT score was that high. I think colleges really looking at GPA and rigor so much more this year. My child got into UCLA 2 years ago with that SAT, 4.6 gpa and for engineering so it’s surprising if your childs stats are that good and getting rejected. I am truly sorry.

maybe it will be more good news later in the week too. Best of luck!!

Thanks for the great info. I wonder when we will know if our student receives Regents or honors?

So much patience needed these days. Not my best quality :joy:

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just early acceptance

Timing for everything is off this crazy year. Last year they mailed a picturesque folder with the acceptance letter and Regents award letter before regular acceptances were announced. The fact that they are having a chancellor’s reception to woo the top admitted students sounds promising. Good luck.

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How many people get the chanchellor’s email? I thought I was competitive for it but didn’t get it.

Well, it’s on Tuesday night. So, we will know soon! I’ll update afterwards. Thanks for your help!