UC Santa Barbara Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Rejected as a public policy and law major :smiling_face_with_tear:


Anyone appealing? Sounds pretty impossible, but??? My daughter got an all team soccer award, straight A’s including college and AP classes both senior semesters, and magna cum laude. Can’t think of anything else “compelling”.Anyone know if that’s worthy of an appeal?

Guideline for an appeal means new and compelling information that shows an applicant is stronger than originally presented on the initial UC application. Doing well Senior is expected to maintain a provisional admission so strong academics is not a “new and compelling” reason for appeal.

An appeal letter should present new information missing in the submitted application. This information should be about an academic accomplishment (not previously noted), an accomplishment that sets you apart (not previously noted) or a hardship (not previously noted). And it should be about something that was relevant at the time you submitted the application in November — not something that happened after submission of the application. . Writing about a new development does not put you on the same playing field as your fellow November applicants, so the UC will not consider it.

No harm in appealing if you think it is worth the time and effort.

My son filed an appeal. Similar boat as your daughter–won several significant athletic awards since applying, which were the culmination of years of competing. We figured there was no downside, other than the time spent crafting 500-character responses to the two required questions (~what’s the basis for your appeal, and what is the context around it?). UCSB is his dream school, so he gave it a shot.

Thanks! My daughter is going to probably try too, can’t hurt. The reasons don’t seem to completely fit into the parameters stated by the admissions office, but you never know. Although, she is pretty excited about her current choice of school.

I’m appealing, but with no awards, recognitions, etc. I provided info on what I did senior year that wasn’t on my original app. No updates to grades, either. Will it be compelling enough? Probably not. But I thought it would be worth a shot. Good luck!

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Anybody hear back from appeal?

Son heard yesterday–denied.

Daughter denied too…

any positive appeal results?