UC Santa Barbara Class of 2027 Official Thread

In a heartbeat! That’s what I was just saying to a friend lol. (And yes, I know that’s not how it works – yield is accounted for and all. But wouldn’t it be nice if it could work that way?)

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Are kids are similar and similarly rejected! Sad that a 4.15 GPA is not good enough even to be waitlisted.


Applied for museum studies, alternate was film.

UCSB was my 1st choice for the UCs. Totally sucks :frowning:

No matter what happens, everything will be okay. Wishing everyone the best of luck :hugs: :revolving_hearts:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

I know. UCSB was her 1st choice together with UCSD. :frowning:

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Well, it’s been zero for four for the UC’s over here. :frowning: Daughter didn’t apply to UCLA or Berkeley.

Rejected: UC Davis, UCSB
Waitlisted: UCSC, UCSD, UMiami
Accepted: SDSU, CSULB, University of Oregon, CU Boulder, ASU (all oos acceptances came with merit scholarships)
Still waiting on: USC, U Wisconsin-Madison, UNC-Chapel Hill, and Boston U, which are reaches for her, unfortunately.

She will visit ASU and Boulder, but I think she is leaning toward SDSU unless one of the reaches comes through!


Same for son.

Hope he gets off the waitlist!

Son waitlisted and this one stings. This was his #1 choice.

Major: Environmental Science
UC GPA: 4.27
Weighted GPA: 4.5
Unweighted gpa: 3.97
So much experience, leadership, internships, sports that there were no more spots left on application but in the end not enough.

Accepted: UC Davis, UC Irvine, UCSC, UC Riverside, SDSU, CSULB, CSFullerton, Cal Poly Pomona
Waitlisted: UCSB, UCSD
Rejected: UCLA
Killing us slowly: Cal Poly Slo


Waitlisted for CS :sob:
UC Unweighted GPA: 3.95
UC Weighted GPA: 4.32
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.5
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes

Number of AP courses: 9 + 2Hnrs + 3 CL

State/location of HS: Bay Area Public/Fremont
Waitlisted: UCLA ,UCSD, UCD, UCSB
Accepted: UCI, UCSC, UCR, UCM

3.7 UW and 4.3 W (OOS not sure what UC GPA is)
5 APs
Major: History
Alt major: econ
Captain hockey team
Founder investment club
100+ service hours
National Recognition Scholar
Accepted: Tulane, LMU, USD, CalPoly, Indiana (Kelley), Clemson, UMd
Waitlisted: UMiami, U South Carolina (whaa?)
Rejected: UCLA
Waiting: UMich, BU, USC
Good luck to everyone still waiting on final decisions!!

I’m sure it is disappointing, but you have some great acceptances!

Sorry to hear that. That sucks big time. What was the major and the stats?

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Unfortunately it’s another no. Our son is pretty disheartened and taking it hard. He has fantastic options but really had his heart set on one of the rejected UCs.

Rejected: UCSB, UCD, UCLA, UCI
Waitlisted: UCSD
Accepted: CalPoly SLO, UCR, University of Washington Seattle, UMD, American University, PSU with Schreyer, UMass Amherst with CHC
Still waiting on: Cal, Boston University

3.89 UW
4.12 UC Capped

8 APs, 10 honors (but no honors counted toward UC weighted), strong ECs and we thought strong PIQs, but who knows.

D23 rejected

3.8 GPA
1 AP, 2 Honors
Two time class president
2 sport varsity athlete - XC and Track Field
Other clubs and ECs with leadership

Accepted UCR, CSULB

Whatever. Best of luck all!

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She’s got some nice choices in there too! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m ready for S to commit somewhere (UCSB is not to be) so we can put this all behind us - get some swag and invest emotionally in the school he chooses. Sending hugs. They will not remember this craziness a year from now.

I really don’t know the stats because she switched schools, they weigh things differently, and every university seems to have its own system.

Major: Business-Marketing or Communications, depending on what programs she liked the most at each school.

UW: 3.7 - 3.85?
Weighted: 4.1 -4.3?

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That sucks. Sorry.

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Thank you!

Wow, not even waitlisted. What about UCSC?