UC Santa Barbara Class of 2027 Official Thread

has anyone not heard yet

Daughter rejected
Accepted to: UC Riverside, UCSC, University of Oregon, Washington State, University of Hawaii
Rejected: UCLA, UCSD, UW
Waitlisted: SDSU
Waiting: CSUSB

GPA unweighted: 3.9
UC capped: 4.14
Decent essays.
Took community college classes extra classes during high school., in STEMM magnet program, EC (research for CA study group, bunch of school ECs, volunteering, out of state medical research, self-defense training for 5 years, class treasurer.)
Applied for L&S, bio-psychology


has anyone out of state heard

accepted- UCR, UC Davis- Regents scholarship, UCSC, UCI, UCSD- Regents scholarship
Waitlist- UCLA
rejected John Hopkins

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My DD hasn’t

Yes my son was waitlisted OOS

accepted! in-state

D23 accepted
In State (OC)
4.0 UW/4.4 Weighted
Don’t know her capped gpas
Many ECs–Leadership and Academic
3 years of tennis (captain 2 years)
Summer City Council intern
Weekly babysitting
Volunteer same place once a week for almost 2 years
3 Aps junior year (5, 5, 4)
5 aps Senior year
Multiple honors classes
Major: History of Public Policy and Law

Accepted: Early SDSU, Early CSULB
Waiting on: Berkley, SLO (Probably WL)

For UCSB, all majors in COE are excluded from TAG

UC Transfer Admission Guarantee


Data science is a good alternate to CS.
UCSB students who are NOT currently CS majors can apply for the change of major application process once they complete the minimum requirements (specified below) for doing so.


Due to the overwhelming number of UCSB students applying to change their major to Computer Science, meeting the minimum requirements offers only the possibility of being reviewed for acceptance into the department, and even high-achieving students should not expect admission into the major.


Check the portal. No email.


UC GPA: 4.23
AP Classes: 13
Honor Courses: Probably 6+
Major: Pharmacology

CyberPatriot: 4 years (Secretary)
Science Olympiad: 1 year
FBLA: 2 years
Online Math Tutor (over the summer)
Did a summer internship for the LA county of Public Health

I basically wrote about how I hated my calculus class and how I wrote fanfiction as a creative outlet.

LA county
Non 1st generation

Accepted: UCD

Rejected: Tulane RD

Waitlisted: Grinnell, Carleton, UCSD, UCI, UCLA

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DS got waitlisted. His first major is ‘Computer Science’ and alternate major is ‘Data Science’.

Not sure if waitlist means for the first major or alternate major.
Any insights please?


For the waitlist, the student is waitlisted for their primary major however could be admitted off the waitlist in their alternate major also.

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Not accepted into bio.

3.85/4.15 7 AP classes.
Very good PIQs
Excellent EC (shadowing volunteering).

Pretty annoyed not even wait listed.


He is in!

4.0 UW/4.4 W (I don’t know his UC GPAs)
7 APs- All 5s and one 4 in German, 3 honors and more APs senior year
College of Letters and Sciences
Eagle Scout, NMF, and other ECs (no research)
Essays were solid
1570 SAT, but does not count for CA
Rejected- UCLA and Notre Dame
Waitlisted-UCI and UNC Chapel Hill
Accepted- UCSD, UCD, Cal Poly Slo, William and Mary, Pepperdine (regents), Fordham (partial scholarship) Case Western (partial scholarship), LMU (waiting on merit decision), Uof Arizona(full tuition), U of Alabama (full ride)

Waiting on the reaches only now.

UCSB is at the top of my list! We’ll see what comes in and what he decides!


Funny PIQ topic, lol. Hating your Calculus class. :grinning:

S23 accepted to UCSB Chemical Engineering.

UC GPAs: 3.93 UW, 4.22 Capped, 4.37 Uncapped
Coursework: 27 (12W) semesters for UC GPA, 5 APs (3 scores of 5, 1 self-study) + 5 APs in progress
ECs+ Essays: Decent (A- ?)
Demo & Location: SouthAsian Male in Large Public HS in SF BayArea

Admits: UC Irvine (BME), UCSB (ChemE), UCSC (BioMolecE+BioInf), UCR (BME-MS)
Waitlists: UCSD (Bio:Informatics), UCD (BioChem+MCB)
Rejects: UCLA

Both parents who went to UCSB are super thrilled but S23 would trade all his UC admits for UCSD. :frowning:

@GoldRush2 can we trade UCSB for UCSD admit? :wink:


I don’t think they will let anyone in for Comp Sci after the bloodbath I’ve seen in Freshman admissions. Better off going to a small private school and getting the BCS, I’m thinking.


Congrats to the admits! As Eric has made it clear, UCSB is amazing.

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