UC Santa Barbara Class of 2027 Official Thread

It’s between UCSC and Cal Poly. Cal Poly is great but the challenge of changing majors is the issue.

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Daughter denied Biology.
Capped 4.19, uncapped 4.26
ELC, CA resident
9 APs/college honors
Waitlisted: UCSD, UCD
Waiting: UCB
Congrats and good luck to all!

Ah good counter point to my reject pre-bio kid:

ELC - No (but state wide)

How many AP classes? My kid did 7 so perhaps that was a difference.


My son is at a tennis match an hour away and the wait is killing me. I assume he would have texted if there was good news.

UC Merced might have worked. It is a much superior college than it’s rank shows. Still there is hope with UCSC and UCSD.

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D23 is disappointed and so am I - Waitlisted for UCSB but I guess “this is the way” when it comes to UCs :weary:

Decision: Waitlisted

Major : Bio

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: ?
UC Fully Weighted GPA: 4.5
ELC (top 9% CA HS): Yes
Number of AP courses/exams: 9ish?

First Gen: No
Military: yes (D23 thinks this might have been a negative since a possible indicator of tuition waiver, thoughts?)

EC: 2 internships focused within major, one with local UC. Part-time job. Varsity sport (1), JV sports (2). Philanthropy. Volunteer tutor. BioMed pathway. Club activities.

Waitlisted: UW, UCD, UCSD, and now UCSB.
Rejected: UCLA
Accepted: Tulane, UCSC, Humboldt, SDSU, SJSU, UOregon
Still waiting/slowly losing hope (and her top choice): Cal Poly SLO
Also waiting: Cal, and some reaches on the east coast.

She’s very torn if she should
Opt in for a waitlist or just try to drum up excitement for one of her acceptances. She is really interested in Tulane but was hoping to save some money for post-grad :grimacing:

Why not Davis. Equally ranked to UCSB. My kid got into all the OOS schools you mention with honors as well. But I can’t convince her to go out of state.

You can’t compare 2020 to 2023. 2020 with the pandemic lots of kids didn’t go to college and lots of parents didn’t want to pay for distance learning!

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Best of luck to her!

i can relate! daughter in the same boat with UCLA waitlist!

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My kid is a bio major as well but with less stats 3.85/4.15 7 AP not ELC but top 9% state wide.

She was wait listed at UCD and got into SDSU, UCSC and Cal Poly. So I’m surprised your kid didn’t get into Cal Poly and UCD as well.

Accepted!! (History Major)

UW GPA: 4.0
W GPA: 4.48

6 APs, 2 Honors, 2 Dual enrollments (all 5’s on exams, 4 on one)
State: California (Bay Area)
Awards: book award from another university, UoR high school award in the humanities, social impact fellowship designed to bridge educational inequities for first-gen students, NSLI-Y finalist, U.S. youth ambassador finalist, national award for first-gen students
ECs: Japanese-American exchange program, president of culture clubs, Spanish honor society, mental health; AP World history tutor, owner of a blog, superintendent student advisory council

Accepted to: Cal Poly Slo, St. Andrew’s, UCSD, SDSU, Cal Poly SLO, UC Irvine, UCSC, SJSU, UCD, Macalester, Bowdoin, Williams, Amherst,Reed , Case Western, Rochester, American, UVA, SFSU,Tufts
Waitlist: UCLA, Pomona college

College admissions is truly random! I hope everyone receives the news they desire in the future <3 Thank you for being a supportive thread. I wish you all the best.

  • At some schools, I applied as a business admin major (Irvine and Cal Poly)

Wishing for all of us to find out place. Thank you parents for being supportive. We students appreciate you!


15 AP total including his senior year. Sorry to hear but hopefully your d has other solid options.

S23 Accepted
Major - COE - Chemical Engineering
In State
UWGPA - 3.90
UC GPA 4.27
UW GPA 4.35
9 AP

Accepted - Case W, Purdue, UW, UCSC, UCR
Waitlisted - UCSD, UCD, UIUC
Rejected - UCLA, UCI, Chicago, JH
Waiting - CalPoly, UCB


OOS son waitlisted. rejected UCLA. Gotta say, waitlist softens the blow even tho we know thats a no too. Waiting for UCB and USC. First choice is USC now that UCLA is out.


SF bay area
Biology - Waitlisted
3.85(UW), UC(4.44)
AP (8)
UC Honors(7)
National Merit Finalist / 1560 SAT (Who cares)

EC - 2 Research projects.
Physician Shadowing
Hospice Volunteer

Accepted: UCD, UCR, UCSC, SJSU
Waitlisted: UCI, UCSD and UCSB, CWRU
Rejected: UCLA, SDSU

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In-state, caucasian daughter accepted for Sociology!

8 APs (5 of those in senior year)… Scored two 5s and one 4. No honors courses offered at high school.
All A’s and A-'s, not sure of exact weighted GPAs, but likely in the 4.3ish arena.
ASB 4 years, president senior year
#1 ranked at high school (along with all others with A/A- grades)
part-time job as gymnastics coach
competitive cheerleader
CrossFit participant
created curriculum for and lead leadership club at local elementary school
Sunday School teacher
various babysitting/nanny/tutoring jobs
IMHO solid PIQs

Also accepted at UCD, U of Georgia, UT Austin, Baylor, Pepperdine, Michigan State, Penn State, Ohio State.

Deferred for USC
Waitlisted for UCI and UCSD
Rejected from UCLA

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@MrCheapo: I know you are correct about not comparing 202 and 2023. It’s just a bummer. With regard to Davis, both parents went there, it’s only 45 min from home, and it’s not the football/marching band experience she is looking for. I did, however, convince her to attend Aggie Day. Tbh she would have only applied to UCLA and Cal if she had her way…

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3.8 unweighted. School offers no AP courses

Accepted at UCD. WL UCI. Rejected UCLA and UCSB


Why not? Removal of test scores definitely has an oversized effect on certain applicants.


@pone that really dilutes the hard work that all the accepted students have put in. My son was waitlisted and although I am bummed for him, I appreciate that there are so many qualified students who worked really hard for this.

Colleges disaggregate their data and if a private school were to artificially inflate their students grades to give them better chances at admissions, it would be known. The colleges look at the success rates per each school and if it was noticed that the majority of the students admitted from one school ended up on academic probation after their first semester, the college would be aware that there was something suspicious. Similarly, if they noticed high achievement from students from a school, that looks good.

Congratulations to all the students who have worked so hard for this achievement. There are tons of colleges and every student will find the right one for them.