UC Santa Barbara Class of 2027 Official Thread

Are Regents based on financial need, in part?

Regents is a merit based scholarship of $5000/year however if the Regent scholar is a CA student and has financial need, then the amount can be higher than $5000/year honorarium.

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I thought that was the perk of Regents and Honors? Priority registration


How worried should I be that UCSB is the #1 party school in America (!!!) according to niche? My son is not into the party scene at all and is feeling a bit uncomfortable about it. Maybe @gauchoengineering has some thoughts or anyone else who is or has a student there?

#1??? :open_mouth: Thanks!

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My D20’s two BFFs are at UCSB - one is a physics major and one is an art major. Both students are non-partiers and are still enjoying their college experiences immensely.


Starting in Fall 2021, it’s no longer the case at UCSB. Continuing Honors/ Regents scholars (before fall 2021) retain their priority registration.

Does signing housing contract now increase your chances of getting the freshman dorm you want? Or is there no difference between signing now and signing in May?


yes DS did!

Not worried at all, when I went there it was the “real party school” with the real Halloweens. It is different now, but even then if you aren’t into parties, it won’t effect you at all. I was not and had the best experience. It’s a great school and great community.


Same!! Is yours going to commit to ucsb??

Not sure. Yours?

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I would love to hear feedback on the art major. My son is undeclared and is considering things from Environmental Science to Art. Would value hearing thoughts on it!

Hi, excuse the late admission update but I only just found out from my son he got in :roll_eyes:

I’ve posted on the other UC forums as well, but for future applicants’ reference here are his stats:

Accepted (no idea what major :joy: he hasn’t told me, but either materials engineering or data science)

In state, large public school/ dual enrollment at CC

GPA: 4.0 UW/ 4.33 UC capped/ 4.48 UC Uncapped

AP/ Honors: 4 APs (his school offered very few); 4 honors in grades 10-11

Guitar (semi-professional, performed in bands and at open mics, competed in battle of bands)
Community service - started a non profit to raise awareness of learning disabilities (he has several)

Other honors/ qualifications:
-Davidson Young Scholar
-NMS commended
-He is not great at timed standardized tests due to his LDs, but managed a 1500 on SAT (790 math, 710 EBRW) which is waaay better than was expected with his learning disabilities

Male, south Asian, not first generation

Given he’s been accepted at 4 out of the 4 UCs he’s heard back from, I’d infer his PIQs were very good. His admissions consultant commented that “they were very mature”, authentic, and shows that he knows what he wants.

Other schools:
Accepted at UCD, UCSD, UCI, UIUC, Virginia Tech, Cal Poly Pomona, SJSU

Waitlisted: Stevens Institute of Tech

Denied: UT Austin, Purdue

He applied to materials engineering or general engineering, with Data Science as a backup, in all places except the CSUs where he applied for Comp Sci as first choice.

Hasn’t heard back from Cal Poly SLO so assuming it’s a no.


Congratulations on his acceptance! They don’t have a materials engineering major at UCSB, and I believe the only data science major is under statistics, so he may have applied for some other major at this school. Maybe mech E?

Oh good point. Maybe Chem E then? This is so sad/ hilarious that I don’t know what major!!

My son got accepted early into SDSU and didn’t tell me for over a month! That should make anyone feel better…

Sorry for the late reply. D didn’t have physics ECs specifically, but her letter of intent described her interest in physics and talked about the physics classes she’s had in high school. I think her physics teacher wrote her a very good letter of recommendation. D’s grades, course rigor, and AP scores are all top notch to the extent CCS considers those things.

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Hi my son is also admitted as undeclared in letter & science,(didn’t get in CS or CSE his 1st & 2nd choice)in the FAQ it says if space available you will be considered for your first choice. Do they pick from waitlists first then undeclared or vice versa? Just want to know his odds to get in.

Since he is already admitted, he will need to go through the change of major process. The majority of the students on the waitlist for CS/CSE will be admitted into L&S probably Undeclared so it he will not be competing with those students.

Here is the change of major criteria and even if you meet all requirements, there is no guarantee that he will be able to change majors. Before committing, I would contact the UCSB CS/CSE departments and ask how many Undeclared students have been able to change majors. Based past history posts about trying to change, it is not favorable unless you are already admitted into the College of Engineering with another Engineering major.

If he has any admits directly into the major, he should make those schools his priority unless he is happy to pursue a major in the College of L&S.

Here is the change of major criteria:


Students may petition to enter the Computer Engineering major at any time both of the following requirements are met:

  1. An overall UCSB grade point average of at least 3.0.
  2. Satisfactory completion at UCSB, with a grade point average of 3.0 or better, of any five classes, including at least two Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) classes and two Computer Science (CMPSC) classes, from the following: Math 4B, ECE 10A/L, 10B/L, 10C/L (each count as one course), ECE 15A, CMPSC 16, 24, 32, 40.

Acceptance into the major will be based on UC grade point averages, applicable courses completed, and space availability. All students considering changing into Computer Engineering are required to to meet with the ECE Academic Advisor during their first year.


The application process is extremely competitive. A limited number of change of major applications to Computer Science will be approved. Students may apply for consideration to the Computer Science major when the following requirements are met; no exceptions are made for these requirements and meeting these requirements does not guarentee admission to the Computer Science major:

  1. A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0;
  2. Satisfactory completion of Computer Science 16, 24, and 40 with a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher (first takes only);
  3. Satisfactory completion of Math 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (first takes only)
  4. Consult the CS “Prospective Student” page for additional stipulations and information.

Denied change of major applications will not be reconsidered.

Do any of you happen to have the link the parents of UCSB Facebook group? I know they have them by grad year, but I’m looking for the main parents group. I need to wrap my head around how bad the housing issues really are at UCSB before the kid gets too excited