UC Santa Barbara Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Yes, she got an email, and also update on portal.

I don’t want to bug her to check her portal regularly, so thank you!

Yep, you got that right :slight_smile:


I filled out housing but I did not see place to pay a deposit?

Did your son got in CS at UCB?

He will be double majoring in IEOR/EECS or IEOR/DS depending on how his interests develop in the first couple of years. Will be starting in IEOR.


How is easy is it to double major in EECS? Isn’t it a major that is hard to transfer into? Is double majoring easier than transferring into EECS or the same level of difficulty?

The difficulty with double majoring isn’t due to EECS. It’s limited by a very very rigorous IEOR curriculum that has way more required courses relative to EECS. But that IEOR curiculum will easily help satisfy 90%of DS major requirements so its relatively simple. For EECS, its harder to manage the course load but they also get an extra semester if needed. The advantage of being in COE is that IEOR kids will have reserved seats for most upper division EECS courses even if they don’t declare the double major.

Frankly speaking, switching to EECS is much easier but my son really loves the IEOR curriculum. He will decide whether to double major in EECS (or) simply take the UD CS courses without declaring. But that can wait until the end of freshman year.

ohh maybe it was hard to just transfer from L&S to EECS then. I was under impression any switch to EECS is close to impossible from L&S or COE.

LS to EECS is impossible. LS to CS is the only option. COE to EECS is straight forward if you meet grade criteria.

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Has anyone here considered SB City College instead of UCSB? My daughter was accepted off the waitlist yesterday (to UCSB) after planning to go to SBCC for the first 2 years. It seems to me that she will take similar classes at both (pre-major), but she isn’t set on a major yet (maybe Psychology, maybe Global Affairs). SBCC may have smaller classes, has an honors program, dorm, etc. We are out of state so the tuition difference is HUGE!

Anyone here considered both? If so, which did you choose and why? I guess I am looking for reasons why she should go to UCSB instead of SBCC at this point.


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Big tuition difference.

One positive is that she’s IN this way instead of applying later in case SBCC didn’t go as well as planned?


She could defer a semester & take her major weeder classes online at sbcc or any ca school where they are much easier & gets her closer to the 1 year residency for tuition. Check Assit.org. Must begin the english requirement to be allowed to complete IGETC instead of the excess GE requirements.

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S22 is thinking to take a couple courses at CC in the summer, assit.org is helpful in finding out what courses are UC transferrable. What courses are recommended to take this summer and transfer the credits for an engineering major? Thanks!

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Are they allowing deferments?

Thanks! I don’t think she will qualify as a resident for in-state tuition, as she’ll need to fully independent from us for 2 years before she can apply for residency. But any semester at SBCC instead of UCSB will save us a ton of tuition dollars.

If you’re on the waitlist and don’t get accepted, do you get a denied letter or do they keep you hanging all summer? When is the time to really move on? now? end of may?

You will be notified when they close the waitlist and usually you will also get a denial/rejection. The UC’s usually close their waitlists in June but it can vary from year to year. I tell everyone you should move on as soon as you SIR to another school and if admitted from the waitlist, it would be icing on the cake.

When signing the housing contract I did not see anything about paying a deposit yet for this school am I correct?

May 16 | Housing Application Deadline
Deadline to complete the residence hall application with priority consideration is May 16 at 4:00pm. There is no application fee

July 15 | Cancellation Deadline for $100
There is a $100 cancellation fee from the time of signing the contract until July 15. After July 15 there is a $350 cancellation fee until September 1.

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