<p>Background: So I'm planning to venture into the field of Business. What specific path you may ask? Well, I'm not sure yet, but I'm thinking of becoming something along the lines of an Investment Banker, a Financial Analyst, or a Portfolio Manager. </p>
<p>The schools I have gotten into:
University of California: Santa Barbara (Pre-Economics)
Northeastern University (Undergrad Business Program)
The Ohio State University (Undergrad Business Program)
Boston University (Undergrad Business Program)</p>
<p>I plan on appealing my USC rejection, I figure why not, whats to lose? (this was my first choice as it contains the best elements of each school I had been accepted to, a beach, a great social scene, a big city with lots of job opportunities and internships, good athletics, and an awesome business program.)</p>
<p>QuickStats for those interested: (lol, Psychoanalysis)
Unweighted GPA 3.71
ACT: 30
SAT: 1900, (1350 math/reading)
By High School Graduation, I will have taken 10 AP courses and 12 AP test (self studying for two)
I am currently co-enrolled at my local CC, I'm taking Linear Algebra and Business Law.
STRONG ECs: Internship at US District Court, Student Court, Robotics Competition, Track and Field, Ect... In addition, I have around 500-600 hours of community service.
*As a side note, most of my ECs deal with the legal field, however, after interning at the US District Court, I realized that law was not the right fit for me.
Personality: In a nutshell? I'm a Charismatic Go Getter that happens to be pretty shy. Contradictory? Yes, but that's me.
Race: I don't think its necessary for me to reveal that information.
Senioritis? Yes, I got it big time :(, probably why I didn't get as many acceptances.</p>
<p>So the question I pose to you forum members:
1.) What college should I attend if I do not plan on getting an MBA in the future?
2.) What college should I attend if I do plan on getting an MBA in the future?
3.) What firms recruit at each of these schools?
4.) Which college provides the best job opportunities?
5.) What are my chances after graduation of getting a job at firms such as Goldman at one of these schools?
6.) Should I transfer after two years to a school like University of Southern California, UCLA, UMich, Vanderbilt, or Dartmouth.</p>
<p>I apologize in advance, I wrote this in the middle of the night and when I was still angry, as I had to retype all this cause of the log out timer so my writing style is lacking in humor, creativity, and grammar.</p>
<p>Thank You For Taking The Time To Read My Post.
Please Share Your Insightful Wisdom With Me By Posting A Reply.</p>