UC Santa Cruz Class of 2027 Official Thread

Personally I think you’re better off looking at whether or not your child is top 9% ELC (and this you would know as they send you a letter to inform you). My eldest daughter was top 9% ELC.

This is something that the UC’s do take into consideration because all children participate whether they want to or not because it is based on your high school grades. The UC’s give you an offer of admission to UC Merced if they have room and if you have been rejected or waitlisted at all the other UC’s in their system.

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Asking for a friend. Has decision come out yet?

Yes all decisions have posted. Your friend needs to check their UCSC portal. Not all applicants received an email.


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Congrats! My D also was offered the Deans award today, admitted in Feb as well.


Created a separate thread to vent about UCSC decisions here - Vent about UC decisions

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“My kid got 1570 on the SAT. Did everyone accepted at UCSC outperform her.”

My UCSC Asian kid was “outperformed” by yours. I hope this brings you some comfort and I still think he is pretty awesome, even if his grades don’t compare as well to your child’s. I know your child will have choices for school. Who knows, maybe he “outperformed” in some way that can’t be graded.

My son only applied to schools that had what he wanted to study. What area of study drew your child to UCSC? Being able to articulate this is crucial if you want an acceptance. They want a campus of kids who are excited to learn and happy to be there, not someone who is getting the vibe from somewhere that they are surrounded by “slackers” who couldn’t get into XYZ.

My slug applied to wonderful schools you would turn your nose at (which I suspect might include UCSC a little bit) such as Dalhousie, Nova Southeastern, and Eckerd amongst others. None of these were safeties.

I know your child will have good results, although I also feel like your “less (sic) Asians” comment wasn’t helpful either. If one celebrates the child, rather than the statistics, the child will be empowered to accomplish anything. I went to HYP and don’t really have many accolades to my name. A good friend went to Glendale community college —> Caltech and now works at JPL. Having a growth mindset is ten times more valuable than a degree from Harvard.

On a side note, my slug is going through the housing process and I get the feeling that on campus housing for next year should work out :crossed_fingers:. The next two years will probably be off campus; a friend at UMich only got one year on campus. Rent is expensive in SC no doubt, but the kids somehow make it work (lots of roommates, jobs, etc). The town is beautiful and this is one of the repercussions.


No your not wrong to feel the way you feel. Did she get into other comparably ranked OOS schools?

I did see that UCI allows an appeal, maybe that could be an option?

My kid too-- 4.1 GPA, ELC 9%, all the things, had severe illness in ICU, missed a bunch of school and STILL maintained all of that. Waitlisted at SC and rejected at others.
My kid “all those nights i stressed, didn’t sleep, stayed up late to get projects done or do an extra good job, all the times I could have been hanging with friends or taking it easy…I could have coasted and ended up in the exact same position”. I sadly don’t think he is wrong- he will be ‘guaranteed’ Merced or can go out of state. Could do that with a 3.5 without the rigor so i don’t blame him for feeling devastated and like we all lied that hard work is rewarded.


So sorry - sounds like your kiddo has gone thru a lot. I do hope he lands somewhere he loves. Hard to keep their spirits up.:pray:


Is the 4.1 your son’s UC GPA or his HS GPA? If he is ELC and does not receive acceptance into a UC, his application will be redirected to Merced.

The CSUs also offer re-direction. However, there are in-state options that are still accepting applications for many majors, including Psychology and CS.

  • CSU Chico - deadline 6/1/23
  • CSU East Bay - deadline 4/1/23
  • SF State - deadline 3/25/23
  • CSU Stanislaus - deadline 3/27/23
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Appreciate that but telling him at least he could go to Chico or Merced isn’t going to be a consolation. I’ll remove myself/him to the forum for the rejected because the rest of you should be celebrating!~~~ .
Sincere congrats and good luck to all who got what they deserved!!


Thank you. So hard.


What Major? The challenge is some majors are tough to get into.

Great result for you. Your batting way above your GPA! Thoughts on what got you there?

Great result. There is something special about your application beyond your GPA. Can you elaborate what you think it is?

Agreed about Chico. But UCM is a high quality education institution. The location sucks big time.


Nothing wrong with Chico. My daughter is actually choosing between Chico and UCSC. She’s leaning more towards Chico right now because they are not impacted, don’t have a housing shortage, admit you straight into the major not a ‘pre’ program like UCSC and offered her honors.

Like I’ve repeated many times on here before, people should look at the individual major they want to study not the college as a whole and there are so many factors that go into the decision.

We are going to let our daughter decide where she wants to study after we have attended both admitted student days. If she chooses Chico, she’ll have our full support.


I’m going to put in a plug for Chico State too here. My DS3 is a Computer Science major there (soph), and the professors (no TAs!) really seem to care about the students and their success. Small classes, individual attention, classic college town, good weather, and affordable and plentiful student housing that is walkable/bikeable to campus (unlike UCSC I think).

My son already has coding jobs (he started working as a coder in high school and works remote P/T while studing CS at Chico) and internship offers coming at him from all directions. This weekend he was at a party with someone who owns a small company in TX and he was offered a paid internship ON THE SPOT when he mentioned he was a CS major. That was the entire interview.

There is something about CS majors, that’s for sure. No wonder they are being waitlisted and rejected everywhere. But guess what? An aspiring software engineer rejected at the more “elite” UCs and Cal States can perhaps still study CS at Chico State–they are still taking apps for the Fall.


D has admit to CS at Chico as well. We visited late last year and loved the campus and everything about the program there. Campus has a friendly vibe and faculty is great. Their cs students have been winning accolades at various competitions etc and job placements have also been good. Since campus in adjacent to downtown, great access to shops/restaurants etc. It was her preferred option till she got admitted at SJSU for Comp Eng (we are local, so her comfort level is higher because there are generally several other students form her school that attend SJSU.) If she changes her mind and wants to be further from home, then Chico is still very much in the running for her and we would be very comfortable with that decision. Chico State also has a very strong parent community that are very helpful.