UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

They accept something like 6 times more students than they have seats for — they need an enormous percentage to turn them down.

My objection was with this one parent telling us that her waitlisted child was so clearly above the children who were accepted that the college knew she’d likely be chosen by a “more exclusive” school. True or not, it’s a lousy thing to say in a forum where there are both parents and children sharing their interest and excitement for the college.


I actually read through the entire exchange. She never said her kid was above anyone else. She said it made sense that her kid was waitlisted as her child had chosen another school and complemented the algorithms for figuring that out. And she never said anything about a “ more exclusive” school or being above anyone else. Not once that I could find.

Like seriously, you’re so offended at stuff that was never even said. This whole exchange was so unnecessary.


I’ll assume that the 2 or three people above who are dominating the thread are ready to move the conversation forward.


We received an email from UCSC yesterday that said, “Your student will be receiving an email Thursday with information about on-campus walking tours.”

So keep an eye out for that email to come today!


Please move on. I know this is a difficult and anxious time for applicants and I know everyone is trying to make sense of some of the decisions posted. Just remember, a student can only attend one school and where they go for Undergrad will not define them, it is what they do with the opportunities they are given that will make them successful.


@Wishful-Thinking @Jenfas If you thought my earlier post did not apply to you, you would be wrong. If you thought compliance was optional, you would again be wrong. Move the conversation forward please. There is enough stress at this time of year without the bickering.


Congrats to everyone who got accepted. Great job you did! If you didn’t get accepted or waitlisted to UCSC, no worries. Previous years, kids didn’t get accepted to low tier UC, got accepted to mid tier UC, kids didn’t get accepted to mid tier, got accepted to top tier UC. Besides your stats, you know admission definitely looks for good fits and what you can bring to enrich their campus.


But Banana Slug Day is virtual this year. :frowning: I was surprised since the other UC’s seem to be doing them in person. So that’s why we’re trying to get an in-person tour.

Thanks @DeannaJo! We (parents) didn’t get that email and daughter says she hasn’t gotten anything either. Hopefully it’s not sitting in her spam box. Or mine. :joy:

I did find this online, which confirms Banana Slug Day is April 16 and totally online and that admitted students should be getting an email with link to sign up for in-person tours: https://news.ucsc.edu/2022/03/campus-tours-update.html


@chrisntine Just noticed that the email I received from Admissions was a response to an inquiry I had sent them asking about in-person tours! My subject line was Admitted Student Tours… and they wrote me back with the info that students would be receiving an email Thursday with information about on-campus walking tours.

I am feeling a little frustrated with UCSC right now. As you pointed out Banana Slug Day is virtual (why???), their in-person tours haven’t been up and running, and their website is a mess (but I believe it is being revamped). To their credit, I did get a very prompt response to my email inquiry!

We are excited to visit UCSC in early April (over our Spring Break) and would love any suggestions of where to stay and how to navigate the virtual tour when we are actually on campus.


If you are on Facebook, the UCSC parents page is very welcoming and has a ton of information. Feel free to DM me if you like :+1: - we are also visiting during our spring break.


Son accepted
uW 3.7, Uc 4.1
8 ap/h/de
Few ECs
Unrelated work exp
Interesting essay/too complicated to explain here/relates to academics

(Going to sneak in a comment here- schools are looking at who is a good candidate to attend the school AND who is likely to graduate)


The campus is pretty spread out and you would definitely need a car if you want to explore fully. Definitely explore the botanical gardens while you are there - you might catch a sighting of Red Fox, Deer and other animals. And don;t forget to wander around the great meadow and enjoy the ocean views.


One of the 13 Comprehensive Criteria is location. What role does location play for each UC selections ? Thanks

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Oh good, glad to hear my daughter wasn’t just skipping over emails (she’s done that before :woman_facepalming:)! And glad they responded quickly to your email. That’s pretty impressive considering the number of applicants and their parents who are probably emailing now. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m disappointed the Banana Slug Day is virtual, but I’m guessing (totally speculating) they had everything set up online especially with Omicron, and maybe it was too hard to switch to in-person? Otoh, the other schools might’ve been stuck if another variant came in and campuses had to go online again. So I’m not totally hating them for staying virtual. :wink:


Geographic location helps to identify low performing HS’s and SES (social economic status) of applicants to see what resources are available to the applicants. Applicants are evaluated within the context of their HS.


I was wondering if UCs also use it for enrollment targets (some schools from SoCal have not sent any student to UC Davis or UC SC last year)

Diversity is important, and if there are underrepresented regions in the student body, that could carry weight. For example, my D22, along with two of her classmates are the first students to get accepted to UCSC in about four years, and there has not been a student attend UCSC as a freshman from her high school since 2006.