UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

Congrats on SLO and SDSU. What is she planning at this point?

We will wait on other UCs and OOS in April including my alma mater Umich and take a call. It seems SLO at this point.


I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to be in the UCSC thread suggesting only “lower stat” students are accepted at UCSC. That’s clearly not true. I’m sympathetic to any student who gets rejected or waitlisted–we all prefer acceptances; but I don’t think it’s helpful to suggest they were “too good” for the school and it’s unkind to the students who did get accepted, and who may very well have “higher stats.” Each UC adjudicates the applications completely separately according to their own interests and needs.


Your daughter didn’t apply to or attend UCSC? I’m curious why you are in this UCSC forum commenting?


Is there a way to PM you?

Hi Tracy, last year my son got off the waitlist for CS on Friday May 21st and was given 7 days to respond. I think there was at least one batch of kids who got called up before that (always seemed to be on a Friday) but the May 21st one seemed to be a large group of kids. I’m so sorry that you and your son are going through this. It was an agonizing experience and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


My daughter did apply. She was waitlisted.

Again, that’s not at all what I’m suggesting. Getting into UCSC is no small feat. But even moderators have implied that yield management is happening even at the UCs. And yield management is only what I’m referring to.


In your comment above, you stated that your daughter did not apply to UCSC. You said she was waitlisted at UCD.

That was my older daughter. My high school senior did apply.

The moderators have specifically said several times that the UCs do NOT yield protect.

And again, I am curious why you are in here making the statements you are about why kids are accepted at UCSC (apparently because you are convinced that they are not high stat enough to make UCSC worry they will go to UCLA instead)?

@Gumbymom - maybe you want to weigh in?


I’m referencing yield management, which actually has been discussed on here by @Gumbymom as it relates to the UCs so I’m glad you tagged her.

It’s about which kids they think are likely to accept admission. And FWIW the “high stats” kids I’m referencing are from this thread and solely CC. It’s purely anecdotal from what I’ve seen here. It’s not at all a judgement on the kids who were Accepted.

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Yield protect means when schools use things like Demonstrated Interest, ED/EA/REA/SCEA to weed out students that are not really interested in attending and are using their schools as a backup/safety.

When I talk about Yield Management for the UC’s, I am talking in broader terms where each campus can determine what weight they will put on the 13 areas of criteria used for determining their decisions. They are managing their yield by selecting students that “fit” their goal as a UC campus. UC’s do not use demonstrated interest in their application review.

The UC waitlists have been a good strategy to use for managing their enrollment yields and if you look back just 10 years, you see an ever increasing use of the waitlist. When my son’s applied in 2013/2014, you saw little waitlist activity. As the UC’s continue to get more and more applicants, the waitlists continue to grow.

Good or Bad, the UC’s have more qualified applicants than spots available so it has become rare to see applicants that are admitted to every UC they apply and see top students waitlisted/rejected at some campuses and admitted into others.


I have never seen any of the moderators or “forum champions” make any claim that “yield management” leads to “high stat” students being waitlisted at UCSC.

I don’t feel like this is a productive conversation because you keep denying you are saying exactly what you are saying. But I will try one more time to ask you to please stop disparaging the admitted students. Thank you.



Thanks. Hope you get more good news soon.


@Gumbymom just posted above exactly what I was repeating about yield management. She is a Forum Champion.

That was exactly and ONLY what I was referencing. My observations have been ONLY what I’ve seen on CC and my intent was never to “disparage” anyone. I was merely referencing what I’ve observed ONLY ON CC (nowhere else) which was that “some” higher stats looking kids ON HERE were waitlisted (and not rejected or accepted) at UCSC. And that COULD be that their stats/application/whatever didn’t fit with whatever data/algorithm UCSC has to determine who THEY THINK will accept.

You seem to think that I’m trying to imply something negative about your kid. I’m not. And it’s pretty clear you’re unwilling to actually hear my explanation. So yes, by all means, let’s move on.

Congrats on your kid’s acceptance to UCSC.


She didn’t in fact say anything close to what you said let alone “exactly.” She didn’t say that the high stat kids are pushed onto the waitlist. That sentiment is all on you.

Again, looking at the process from the outside, as we are all doing, there’s no way for any of us to tease apart why one kid is accepted and another kid not. I appreciate that people like to see stats; I don’t appreciate your using them inappropriately to suggest that the kids who did get in are “less than” your child. And, no, this isn’t about my kid–I hate to say it, but he is what you clearly would consider a “high stat” kid. A very high stat kid, in fact. This is about it being entirely inappropriate for an adult to post demeaning comments about other students in this forum, which is what you’re doing. I’ve never seen anyone do that before in my two admission cycles on this site and I don’t like it.


I am truly sorry if that’s how my comments came off. I was trying to make sense of the craziness that is this admission cycle and the yield management and I apologize if my comments came off as insensitive. This process is challenging for everyone and I would never intentionally insult any kid deserving of a spot at any UC. They all deserve to be celebrated.


I’m curious. Do you really not think that yield management is at play at all? It seems like you’re hyperfocused on this somehow saying something bad about the kids who were accepted. To refuse to admit that there is data swaying decisions just feels like you’re not living in reality. My kid got into Davis. I 100% believe that they waitlisted some kids who they don’t think will accept. Doesn’t take anything away from my kids acceptance.


I don’t think you have anything to apologize for. :woman_shrugging:t3: