UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

First letter of first name and 7 letters of last name. (Small caps)

Thanks! We’ll try that.

We took our Daughter last week to visit. Campus is very beautiful. We did a self tour and was able to join an existing tour led by a Senior. Different activities on campus and off campus organized by the student clubs. UCSC has 10 different colleges (housing) with different core classes and themes that students can choose from that would best suit their interests. In terms of transportation, there is a loop shuttle the students can take that will drop off at different stops. The UCSC student ID will also allow students to ride certain metro/bus downtown. Students there were super friendly and super helpful. It is a collaborative learning environment. Hope that helps.

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Looking forward self-exploration Summer Tour w/family!

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Enjoy! The campus reminds me of the San Francisco Botanical Gardens with large trees - so peaceful and very chill vibes.

@gumbymom and anyone else that might know… I know that when a student submits their SIR to UCSC they also list their top 5 residential colleges. My question is if anyone knows if committing sooner to the university gets you a better chance of getting your top requested residential college. Or does the school just wait until after May 1 and then all students are on a level playing field? Thanks for any insight!

As long as you meet the housing application deadline, housing priority will be treated the same for in-coming Freshman.

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Thanks. But for Santa Cruz they first place you in a residential college by mid-May and THEN you have a housing deadline for that college…

From this website: New Undergraduate Students: How to Apply for University Housing

Students accepting the offer of admission to UC Santa Cruz must complete the online acceptance process at https://my.ucsc.edu/. During this multi-step acceptance process you will be asked to:

  • Rank your top five UCSC college preferences. You may also choose to indicate “no preference,” as many students do, meaning you will be fine with any of UCSC’s 10 colleges.
  • Indicate a preference for university housing and submit payment for the required $150 advance housing fee. The advance housing fee is applied to your first quarter’s housing charges and is fully refundable if you cancel your request for university housing by your housing application deadline.

Once you have completed the acceptance process, and after the acceptance deadline (May 1 for freshmen; June 1 for transfers), the Admissions Office will assign you to a college. The assignment takes into account available space at each college and the preferences you have indicated.

In mid-May for new freshmen, and mid-June for new transfer students, the Campus Housing Office will send you information about your college affiliation and instructions for completing the online housing application at studenthousing.ucsc.edu.

I’m just wondering if accepting your decision earlier gives you a higher preference for your selected college? I hope not…

Congrats! Can I ask what your basic stats? Was hoping my son CS might get one (every $ counts right?) he just did SIR on Friday…

Hi! I’d love to help out.

I eventually chose UC Santa Barbara (Computer Engineering) over UC Santa Cruz (Regents, Computer Engineering), so maybe they’ll reallocate my scholarship money towards your son!

My stats I’d say were good but not exceptional for Computer Engineering. 4.27 UC weighted capped GPA, like 3.91 UC unweighted GPA, 4.55 UC weighted uncapped GPA.

However, the 2 Bs that I got were both in STEM Classes (Honors Pre Calculus and AP Computer Science A), which tbh is a big red flag for AOs.

I also got the UCSC Honors College in addition to Regents.

Regents is supposed to place me in the top few percent of their admitted students but I think I either got lucky or the Santa Cruz AOs really liked my essays or something. I wrote my essays on my love of politics and history, not so much about STEM, so maybe that helped to set me apart? I honestly have no idea how I got the scholarship.

In terms of ECs I’d say that I was maybe a little above average, got some Robotics awards and had a few leadership positions. No research or internships though, didn’t volunteer a whole lot.

My other UC results were waitlists at UCSD, UCI and UC Davis, rejections at UC Berkeley and UCLA, and acceptances at UCSC, UCSB and UC Riverside (all for CE)

Hope this helps!


Thank you so much and congrats on choosing UCSB! My son’s academic stats are very similar to yours!-down to the UC’s you got waitlisted for, he didn’t have too many leadership roles or clubs, but 6 years of varsity sports (between XC and Track), and a good amount of volunteer work so just hoping some scholarship flows his way :grinning: and he was invited into the Honors College too (which sounds interesting) thank you so much for taking the time to answer!

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Hope everyone gets in college of choice, just get notifications got in College 10, so Happy, Wish All The Best Outcome!

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Was this from the waitlist?

Hi! Feeling & Praying for whom on WL. (Mine Not from WL, College 10 Dorm affiliation accept, Omega12). Does anyone receive email from Admission Office today regarding “Welcome Parents & Student Summer” in- person in Southern CA w/ different dates of variety locations: SC, LA, SD & LB. Wonder if anyone has input what’s is it about? Best Wishes to All!

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Hi, we received the email too. It looks like an opportunity to connect with other students that will be attending the college from/near your area. There will also be representatives from Housing, Admissions, University Relations, etc. to answer any questions from a presentation they will have. Good information and social event, in my opinion.

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Yes. Received the email, registered, and will be attending one of the NorCal events. Looks like a meet-up with other incoming students, alumni, and staff/faculty. All I know is what was stated in the email, which explained the purpose pretty well (email snippet below). I wondered if this was a new thing, and partly due to not having orientation in person.

"These in-person events are an opportunity for you and your student to connect with the incoming class, alumni, and other families from your area. Join us for refreshments, conversation, and a presentation from UCSC staff.

Staff representatives from Admissions, University Relations, and Colleges, Housing and Educational Services will be present to meet with you and answer any questions you may have about UCSC."


Already a waitlist for all Nor Cal events, less than 24 hour hours since the email arrived. Bummer…

Wow, just wow! They need to add more locations and or dates!

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Ack! I jumped on it quickly, partly because I’ve seen other issues unfold with invites they’ve sent out (e.g. the campus tours email that was sent to some, but not other, admitted students… Thanks to THIS FORUM, someone pasted the tour link, but my student never did get the email). I’m thinking they’re still regrouping from COVID upheaval to their processes, and will hopefully add more dates/locations for this event…? At this time, the actual venues for this latest event aren’t even known, or at least not made public, which makes one wonder it’s all being thrown together as we speak…? Unless they don’t want that info known yet… Who knows…

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Just realized they might not want to disclose the venue locations in order to avoid drawing crowds of non-registered attendees?