UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Thanks to everyone on this thread and @Gumbymom, it’s been very helpful— so much better than waiting and wondering in a vacuum.


Daughter also rejected.

Did anyone survive?? What a crazy year!!


My son received his rejection as well. He is off to SF State University and seems completely excited about it. It’s good that there’s finally some resolution. Thank you all for sharing thoughts and support.


My son’s 2 friends got rejected for CS from the waitlist…

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Son, also rejected.

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Same here. SF state - how is the housing working out for you? Housing said 2000+ students are on the waiting list meanwhile Park Merced offers $2350/month for a 500 sqft studio. On Reddit, students are living in cars, and 6 students share a 3 bedroom apartment…

My son got rejected off waitlist too. 4.4 GPA, valedictorian, lots of e.c., etc. So weird. He’s committed to UC Davis and happy about that but we’re still waiting on UCLA’s waitlist to see what happens there…


UCSC is missing out on some very strong students who would have loved to attend! Such a weird year.


who is planning on appealing?

D got rejected at both UCSC and UCSD yesterday - cog sci, in state 4.67 W, Valedictorian, outstanding EC’s including 12 years service & 7 years leadership. Despite the roller coaster of a ride these last few months, I’m sure she’ll thrive at UC Davis !


UCSC and UCSD’s loss is UC Davis’ gain. My kid also got the same news this weekend, and she is also heading to Davis in the Fall!


Funny, I got into UCSC early and just got rejected from UCD’s waitlist, and I’d gladly swap my UCSC commitment for UC Davis. Really wish the UCs did a ranked-choice system.


Anybody else hear back regarding their appeal? Denied. My son had already made the decision to stick with Berkeley regardless of the outcome due to time constraints, but it’s nice to have complete closure. Crazy admissions cycle:

“As you may know, freshman admissions were quite competitive this year, and as a result, we received many appeals from students that we had denied. While we were presented with quite a few compelling appeal cases; ultimately, very few were granted.”