UC Santa Cruz Freshman Class of 2026 Waitlist/Appeal Discussion

Yes, that’s the concern if they receive a late offer.

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and 2 admissions readers would know which student was a good fit for THEIR school, not your daughter. you daughter isn’t the one making the admissions decision and its not within her control as much as it sucks. you see this a lot on this thread. students and parents thinking they’re a good fit at a particular school and not receiving admission.

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Come on! UC admissions are not some high precision operation nor is it exact science. Perfectly good students who would have been a perfect fit do get wait listed.


Just got rejected :confused:

Cognitive Science, 4.5 W, in state

got rejected

We got the email too (psychology)

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rejected too (psych in state)

praying for some good news from ucsd at this point


Rejected as well-psychology

is there any way to appeal?

Freshmen: Appeal of Admission Denial, Includes Those Not Offered Admission from the Waitlist

The Appeal of Admission Denial is not an alternate method for admission. The appeal process operates within the same admission criteria set by the Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid (CAFA) for the given year, inclusive of the standards for Admission by Exception. An invitation to be on the waitlist is not a denial. Once all waitlist activities have concluded, students not offered admission from the waitlist will receive a final decision and may submit an appeal at that time. In addition, there is no appeal to be invited to join or be admitted from the waitlist.

Final Denials: Fourteen calendar days from the date the denial of admission is posted in the MyUCSC portal (my.ucsc.edu). This filing period is only for students not offered admission from the waitlist.

Appeal Transmittal: Online. Appeals submitted by any other method will not be considered.

Appeal Content: The student must include a statement with the following information. If any of this information is missing, the appeal is not complete and will not be considered.

  • Reasons for the request for reconsideration. Applicants must present new and compelling information that was not contained in the original application.
  • List all in-progress coursework
  • High school transcript(s) that includes the fall grades (unofficial copies are acceptable).
  • College transcript(s), if the student has completed college coursework (unofficial copies are acceptable).

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure a complete appeal. Any clarification questions can be directed to Undergraduate Admissions (UA) at [(831) 459-4008](tel:(831) 459-4008). UA may deny an appeal due to lack of completeness or if submitted after the deadline.

Appeal Review: UA is delegated authority to act on appeals of admission denial for freshman applicants.

Appeal Considerations: UA will consider, relative to all first-year students offered admission, a variety of factors including, but not limited to, the student’s senior year grades, the strength of the student’s senior year academic schedule and any error on the part of the UA. If there is nothing new or compelling, an appeal may not be appropriate. If a student’s senior year grades have gone down, or if a student has already earned a grade of D or F in any ‘a-g’ course in their senior year, and UA was not notified, an appeal will not be granted.

Appeal Outcomes: The appeal may be granted or denied. Requests to be placed on the admissions waitlist will be denied. Applicants whose appeal is denied are encouraged to apply, if eligible, as transfer students in a future year.

my son got rejected too few minutes ago…:confused:

Our daughter just received a rejection (undeclared major). Thankfully, she’d opted for another school and is excited about what’s next. Good luck to those who are still waiting.


Just got the rejection. Biology, 4.27 W in state. Welp, onward and upward.


My kid (in state, 4.3) got rejected today, and it was honestly a relief to her. She is happily headed elsewhere (SDSU) and used this time to realize that while her heart was initially all about UCSC, her head knows that SDSU is a much better choice for many reasons.


See you at SDSU!!!
This will be better for our girls, no doubt!!!


Who’s still on the WL??

Good luck, soldiers!!

My kid also got the axe today! Sad, but moving forward.

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Daughter (in state, 4.2 W, education) rejected today, as was a friend of hers. She has moved on and is happy but I’m starting to wonder if UCSC is going to take anyone from the WL?


Also wondering this :point_up_2:

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