UCB and UCSD chances?

<p>I’m applying to UC Berkeley and UC San Diego.
I’m mostly worried about my essays, other than that I have a 3.87 gpa uw, 29 composite ACT score, pretty good ec’s, took APUSH, AP Euro., AP Lit, and currently in AP Language, AP CS, and AP Calc. AB.
Planning to study cognitive science or psychology, from Arizona. </p>

<p>Any chance?
Thank you.</p>

For Fall Admits 2013 Average GPA and ACT</p>

<p>UCB: GPA 4.18 ACT 31
UCSD:GPA 4.11 ACT 29</p>

<p>I would say both would be a stretch based on your GPA.<br>
I would defiinitely apply to several other UC’s for backup.</p>

<p>My unweighted gpa is a 4.3 or 4.4 (can’t remember). I haven’t calculated the UC gpa yet.</p>

<p>Your ACT is on the lower end, but your essays may help.</p>

<p>You’ve got a good shot @ UCSD. UCB could happen but I’ll give you 30% odds.</p>