****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

I remember hearing a rumor that the biggest competition that one has for admission into UCB are the kids at their own school, can anyone share any information they have on this topic?

Itā€™s true if your school gets many Berkeley acceptances every year. This is true from my school and I am out of state Massachusetts.

It also generally hold true for most universities in general if your school is a feeder towards them.

@nt2502 yes itā€™s true that your peers are competitors. last year berkeley admitted 90 kids from our high school which is 23% with a yield rate of 62%. compare to ucla which admitted only 11% with a yield rate of 28%.

UCs track data from your school and you can find it here.

Wow thank you! Didnā€™t know this existed.

How does Berkeley compare you to others if you are oos and no one from your school applied?

They probably compare you to students in past years who have applied from your school and/or students from your region.

Does anyone know when decisions are coming out?

@otto12345 It could be as late at 11:59 pm PST, but will likely be around 3:00 pm PST based on previous years.

Had 4 addresses before and now it has changed to 2, does this mean anything?

I hope its not 11:59, Iā€™ll have to stay up until 3 am since I live in New York lol.

@otto12345 Me too in NY State (Dutchess county)

Very quiet - are folks in class?

I would assume so. I however, am done for the day. Much of this sub is also in Cali so they are 3 hours behind EST which is where Iā€™m at.

what is the 4 addresses to 2 addresses mean?

Does anyone know how/what time the Regents Scholarship announcements are made? I know itā€™s supposed to be today, but havenā€™t heard anything elseā€¦

@lakmak itā€™s some myth people came up with thatā€™s supposed to determine whether you get in or not.

@pjdavis97 - Supposedly regent announcements came out in Feb. Are more coming today?

@mahsam can you please explain the myth

You can actually see the data for your/any school for 2019/2020 school year and the numbers are consistent (but not the same) as last year (2018/2019).

How do I search for a specific UC in this link that you shared. For example I want to search for UC Berkeley how do I select UCB