****UCB Freshman Class of 2024 Discussion****

It called “yield management” by the colleges that waitlisted or rejected you

@macroraptor It certainly has!

Haven’t gotten anything yet, is this a bad sign?

rejected:( but thats ok!!! im going to Reed and im over the moon

I got rejected from SDSU but accepted to Berkeley… this is proof to not base your decision on those of previous colleges!

(I also dropped a class last semester… crazy!)


International white male
1510 SAT 800, 800, 760 SAT Subject Tests
Predicted 45 IB
Diver, Diving coach + assistant head of diving program at my pool, president of 2 school clubs, summer camp counsellor, ex-international gymnast.

Very happy! Congrats to everyone else accepted and commiserations to those who weren’t I’m sure you’ll end up someplace great :slight_smile:

Wait Listed Bio in-state
WL UCSB, rejected UCLA
Accepted Vanderbilt
Go figure!


accepted and super shocked ?
1370 sat
3.96 uw gpa
10 ap/college courses
female (african american/ Native American)
lots of extracurriculars: varsity and premier league athlete (all league awards), officer in 3 clubs, paid job, girls honor, community service, previously done a foreign exchange program
hooks: very strong essays about childhood and struggling with cultural identity being adopted & mixed

Congrats! You applied to a lot of great schools and you have so many options!

DS got rejected to CS. Also earlier in UCLA.

On well he has all other UCs to pick from, including UCSD :slight_smile:

Son accepted to Microbial Biology.

GPA: 4.0 Unweighted; 4.68 Weighted
ACT: 36


300 of community service at hospitals
Tennis Team
ASB Club officer
President at another club
++ more ECs


Accepted: Berkeley, UCI (Regents), UCSD, UCSB, UCD, Pitts (Honors), UW (Honors)
Waitlisted: UCLA, Vanderbilt, Hopkins, Norte Dame
Denied: Stanford

denied! one of my reach schools

UW GPA: 3.76
W/Capped GPA: 4.14
W/Un-Capped: 4.24

ACT: 33 composite (36E/31M/33R/33S)

Course Load:
APs: AP World (4), AP Lang (4), APUSH (3), AP Comp Sci Princ (4), AP Human Geo, AP Lit
Honors: Honors chem, honors bio, honors econ/gov, honors marine bio, honors precalculus, honors neuroscience

Extracurriculars: Youth&Gov (10-12th) held various roles/wrote a bill, 13 yrs ballet, 9 yrs piano, TeenLine volunteer (10-12th) over 200+ hours, 50+ hours volunteer ACT/SAT english tutoring, summer job as billing secretary

Awards: AP Scholar w/ Honor
Essays: i would rate them an 8/10

Both parents have doctorate degrees
Large public HS
White female

Strengths: none rly for berkeley haha
weakness: GPA!!

Accepted to: UCSB, UCSD, UC Davis, UCSC, UW Madison
Rejected: UCLA (and now berkeley ahah)
waiting on: U of Michigan

ahhh waitlisted!!! not disappointed tho. congrats to everyone who got accepted :slight_smile: and to those who didn’t, there’s a better school for out there!! good luck everyone

OOS Son accepted to UC Berkeley
SAT 1420. 3.8 UW GPA. 2 sport varsity captain, good ECs
He is thrilled – roller coaster of emotions denied at USC two hours ago and then this

@hsparent13 Thank you! It’ll be a very tough choice for sure!

Admitted (in-state) :slight_smile:

Major: Molecular Environmental Biology
UC GPA: 4.11 (W)/ 3.92 (UW)
SAT: 1370 (720 English, 650 Math)

Strengths: SAT score? I’m not really sure, tbh. I definitely wasn’t expecting this. I also have 400+ hours of community service, which may have been helpful, and my essays were apparently pretty good (or so I’ve been told). Art school education, which shows flexibility and multi-disciplinary interests.

Weaknesses: not very many APs, due to a lack of availability. Also, my weighted GPA isn’t amazing, again, due to a lack of available courses.

General Comments: again, I am completely in shock. I didn’t expect to get in, so this is a very welcome surprise. Congrats to everyone else!

Son accepted early in February for Mechanical Engineering just got update notice in his portal with letter awarding him the Regents Scholarship. Awesome! Go Bears!


Decision: Accepted

Major (and division if applicable) applied to: College of Letters and Sciences

UC Unweighted GPA: 4.0
UC Capped Weighted GPA: 4.27
SAT (total and sections): 1490 (Math: 800, English: 690)
SAT Subject Tests (if any): Math 2: 790, Physics: 730

State (if domestic applicant): California

Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Accepted: SDSU, UCSD, UCB
Waitlisted: UC Davis
Rejected: UCLA, UCI, SJSU (appealing decision)
Waiting: None


1480 SAT (770M, 710E)
3.5 UW, 3.9W
Double legacy but it’s a public school so they don’t really look at that
Strong EC’s (600+ community service hours, 4 years of student gov, 4 years of varsity golf + 2 years as captain)
I thought my essays were pretty good too…

Honestly I was expecting it, but it doesn’t hurt any less… Cal has been my dream school since I was 4 but whatever I guess, I’ll probably try to apply for grad school…