*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

So is the “personal essay” supposed to be like a 500-word version of a common app essay, or is it more like an additional information section? I don’t have any additional information to add other than my transcript. Should I just leave it blank or should I copy-paste my common app essay with some removed sections to get it down to 500?

It’s supposed to be an update letter, so leave it blank it u don’t have new info. The admission don’t really want to see the CA kind of essays.(it is optional anyways).

i think its perfectly fine to make it like a why essay

Should I send in my grades? I took 6 AP classes and 1 regular class but my grades weren’t very good (I got 2 Bs) because distance learning has been hard for me. Before this, I had only gotten one B in my sophomore year, so this was a serious decline. Should I still include these grades? I’m worried if I don’t include them they’ll assume the worst, but if I do include them they might be too low for Berkeley to accept me.

I applied as a chemical engineering major, but I just noticed that it’s under the college of chemistry instead of college of engineering. In comparison to COE, would the acceptance rate be higher?

I know the acceptance rate is higher for the college of chemistry in regular admissions so I’d assume the rate for getting off the waitlist is higher too, but I can’t be 100% sure.

Yea I would say leave it blank is better. The AOs want to see a concise letter about what you achieved after submitting the app. Don’t make it a full-500 words life story essay since they’ll be disinterested.

I made mine 500 words😳 I had a lot of updates and internships to tell them abt but do u think the length would impact my decision

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No, not at all. I think the main part to takeaway is that you do need to update them on what you have achieved since the end of November. It can be both academically or personally.

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Is it advisable to ask questions to our regional representative?

the waitlist got extended

What do you mean?

they sent an email out

I didn’t get one…what does it say?

they basically extended it till the 22nd of April. Did you already submit the waitlist opt-in?

Ya I did so that’s probably why I didn’t get the email. Thanks for the info!

yeah, I was gonna submit today but got the email.

Have they ever extended it before (in past years)? What do you think it means?

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probably not enough people opt-in the waitlist this year for their liking

ok ok thanks