*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Also I think they aren’t going to release decision today, because they are still probably looking at the applicants who accepted their first wave still, and making decision based of that. This is just a hypothesis. Also I know a classmate who got accepted last week who was College Letters of Science, so I don’t know if they are going to release anymore Letters of Science students.

I dont think you should be making assumptions because it scares people, so let’s just hope for the best because there is no benefit in doubting

I’m just as nervous like everybody else, and just think that we have to wait a little bit longer.

Are you IS, OOS or Int? Also was your classmate accepted in the CM or the FPF program? Thanks.

We are both in-state, like literally thirty minutes from Berkeley without traffic. And I’m unsure what program, but I can ask her though. I didn’t opt-in for the changemaker Oakland thing though.

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Check for glitch at 12 and then so 1230

no glitch. this University is playing with us


this is bogus wth they still haven’t released anything. i can’t with berkeley what is going on


Has anyone tried calling them?

Last Tuesday was 3pm

i think decisions will come next tuesday or next friday. see you guys then!!

I will literally fight Berkeley if they reject me, because I been waiting for freakin 9 months for my decision now.

honestly. ive given up. at least on waiting for it… its almost late may and i still dont know where i am going… im just so frustrated. why is it not out today


I am

Ya I called yesterday and they told me they release decisions from 3-5 and to just keep checking daily


Any glitches?

i dont reckon so, if there was… this forum would be going nuts. guess we are bound to just wait til june 1st and hope that they release everyday until they inevitably do

does Berkeley send out unlikely letters?or we need to wait till 1st June to know that we didn’t get in… it’s already more than half way through May and still almost nothing :sob:

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i dont think soo:<<

any update?