*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

The deadline to respond to the initial wave of WL admits was yesterday. So right now UCB knows exactly where it stands with respect to the number of slots it needs to fill. I wonder if they will admit some more today.

doubt it

I feel like berkeley will end up sending us an email saying they wont use the waitlist

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Thats what NYU did today

U guys do realize how popular NYU is compared to Berkeley. Also I’m pretty sure they did not just accept like a couple hundred students off the waitlist this year. They always take off at least a thousand kids. Stop being so negative guys, trust me. Plus, they have a lot of application to read. So chill, most kids they accepted were for their Changemaker program last week. They always underestimate the kids acceptances from the initial decisions.


I believe they’ve only accepted kids going into changemakers and the other one. I haven’t heard of anyone getting off with the traditional pathway.

dont expect to get traditional as they are VERY limited. Most of the changemaker spots are out if not all and a few FPF were released.

Unless you are in a college that specifically does traditional, dont ever expect to get traditional because you 99% wont get it. and if you are in a college that only does traditional… good luck cuz thats tough

there were people in the discord group that got off from the waitlist with traditional path last week

quick question for anyone: Would you accept an FPF assignment over your current top choice that you’ve been accepted to? How about Changemaker?

not sure probably i will

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I chose Changemaker over NYU Tandon, in state save money, lol

What does everyones waitlist form say?

Discord link?

like the opt-in form? It says “Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.”

That is 100% cap Im active on the discord 24/7

i suppose its most likely theres a wave on this Friday and that’s it for actual waves

Good Luck!

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you think everything will come out?

does it matter what it says?

I think if there’s still nothing then we can conclude the yield is pretty high since it’s already late May