*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Can people who said that they cannot update send a screenshot or something of what it looks like? Really nervous right now lol

theres nothing to be nervous about but im curious too

I checked reddit and other people said that one of their boxes was blanked too. I’m relieved but like why lol. I doubled check before originally submitting it and I had filled every blank. Why would it erase?

I think they have the button but when they press on it nothing happens?? Not sure tho

they added new one

Wait ■■■ mine is blank as well
 It was fine before. Should I write CONFIRM and resubmit the form? It’s already after the deadline.

I was sure that I confirmed everything, but some were left blank when I look back today
 www what’s going on?

I believe that Berkeley added another question to the FPF confirmation questions just recently.
Since it was just added about one or two days before the deadline, I assume they would be udnerstanding if some people did not write “confirm” considering many people turned it in before the new question was added. :slight_smile:


So would I be in trouble if I fill in now? Cuz it’s already after the deadline

Shouldnt matter all that much, they see when you originally turned in your waitlist and should see the dates and what you updated. Something small as a “CONFIRM” that makes their life easier shouldn’t do anything bad

Ehh, I think a more logical explanation is those who cannot edit are those whos applications have been REVIEWED already, not necessarily accepted.

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do the people who submitted their application in the first week of being waitlisted have the edit option? that would probably help understand if there is a systematic order of reviewing applications on the basis of who submits it first, but obviously providing admission after reviewing them all.

I submitted in the first week and I can still update or edit mine.


I agree it is probably that they have read it. However, I know that most ucs give students a score and then admit certain students based on it, but I think they it would make sense that they would read at least the top half of waitlist people and gage them based on who they think will come to the school

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also, does anyone know what the housing procedure would be for the students who get off the waitlist? since those getting off will probably not get priority/roomate preference ig?

what do you mean top half?

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I entered my grades and uploaded the transcript too, would that be ok, or should I edit it?

WL students will also get priority

was going through the thread of last year’s wl students and saw that they were all talking about a certain glitch which aroused a lot of questions about whether or not they have already been given admission. any idea what’s up w that?

It gonna be on the day or a day before the first wave not now. As for this update situation I highly doubt its indicative of an acceptance. The deadline was literally 2 days ago and its 5 days to may 1st. It isnt possible for them to make decisions yet.

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