*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Also is everyone new box added to FPF? Mines added to Changemaker for some reason.

what does it say?

I think it just appears as the last box under your pathway choices. I selected both changemaker and fpf and it appeared under changemaker as the changemaker confirmations are under the fpf ones. Once I unselected changemaker it’s still the last box but since fpf is the only option I selected it’s under that.

why do some people have the option changemaker while others don’t? does that indicate anything?

yeah I’m clueless too. I recieved an option of fpf only

did you guys apply l&s?

also from may 1st onwards, i would start checking your FAQ links because all the years prior that was the acceptance indicator!

and also, I can still update my form. From the looks of it, only 1-2 people cannot update it but the rest can.


hmm that’s strange because on my waitlist letter/form it says i can select both of them

Yeah same here and I only selected changemaker since fewer people apply to that.

Ok here is a comment from someone last year regarding glitches indicating acceptance:

“Before the first wave was released, accepted students got a glitch on their portal that showed 2 FAQ glitches in their yellow box instead of 1. The glitch happened a few days before decisions were released for the first wave. Now, we are about to hear back about the second wave, and nobody reported getting that same glitch. However, during both waves, students have reported the FAQ in their yellow box disappearing and the waitlist FAQ at the bottom of their old decision letter changing to an admitted students FAQ”


@asfh23 @vbirla8 are you in-state, out-of-state, or international?

OOS. I live in Connecticut. How about you?


Im almost certain it depends on your intended major. Changemaker is for the majority of LAS majors but not for all of them.

ohhhh it makes sense


so I applied for an intended major at haas

this doesnt increase your chances or anything