*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*


If yours says verbatim “I will no longer be attending UC Berkeley”, could this be an indication that you got in? Mine says "I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application”

Mine says I will no longer be attending UC Berkeley FYI
sooo could it mean that?


word for word

that means that this is the first glitch :grimacing: if it is true. if it is, are you instate or oos

manigirl are you instate or oos?

Wait sorry mine says “I am no longer interested”. Sorry for the confusion

I think hanna7384 had it word for word

oh that means that this is the indicator then

ya i did

rip berkeley dream over for me then :sleepy:

hanna can you copy your message from the withdrawal form

it just says “i will no longer be attending UC Berkeley”

ahhh gg then

possibility if you can send the ss of the message over here?

can anyone who got the other message send a screenshot? Thanks

If you don’t mind me asking, did you happen to apply for changemakers or fpf?

i think transfers had similar language, is anyone familiar with their thread to speak on it?