*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

wait i meant for appeals sorry!


ah that makes sense. gl with ur appeal dawg

i thought it was 200

ahhh good luck everyone we are close to the first wave

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200 total, 150 l&s, 50 CNR

how many spots for GE last year?

btw who here is going to USC in the fall!

no idea, but im sure its available somewhere online

Anyone else’s waitlist opt-in disappear from the portal checklist?

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Where’s the checklist?? I just checked my form and it looks different, no more checks or anything just my answers

yes mine is gone too

Mine dissapeared too. Can’t even access the form anymore

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mine is gone as well. looks like they will start rolling out first wave next week!


anyone’s faqs change or any other weird glitches. nothing on my end atleast.

U can’t?? I can access the form thru the decision letter still

yea i can do that as well but from the homepage i cant


Everyone still has the “I will no longer be attending UC Berkeley” under withdraw application right

i have “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application” and also can you guys check cal central and faqs as well

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I don’t have any faq glitches either

Is this under the withraw application section?

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