*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

yea its gone for everyone

ohh ok thanks!

the portal is down

oh god we all know what that means - wait mine isnt…

i checked on two devices and it was down momentarily. It’s up now though

oh hm maybe they updated it this morning or something

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When I click withdraw application, it says you are unauthorized to submit this form.

wait what

I can still withdraw mine

wait mine says withdraw my application

what do your guys’s say

That’s why I was confused when someone said there are only two pop-ups.

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what pop ups?

Is anyone else getting anything besides “I am no longer interested…”

I think everyone is getting I am no longer interested

Do you have a screenshot or something? Cuz looks like you are the only one here who got the “unauthorized” message.

I tried to send it but it says I can’t import file.

what happens if you click on decision FAQ?

Does anyone else get unauthorized at the withdraw button?