*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

hmm let me check bro

I think it was at around the same time, so I guess the decision would be next Friday.

HELP we are just looking for random glitches because we have been waiting forever for decisions and itā€™s getting sad.


mine is no longer interested as well

does anyone have different than ā€œno longer interested in attendingā€

hi everyone, Iā€™m an international applicant. Iā€™m confused since thereā€™s no pathway and changemaker for me to choose in the decision letter and opt-in form. Is it a signal or it just happened on every international applicants

what college did you apply as?

afaik only L&S and CNR have pathways. residency doesnt matter

umich is a really good school tho!! where are you committing for now?

Idk abt the edit option, but this post (around 2909) says the FAQ glitches start around may 3-4 **ucb waitlist discussion for class of 2024** - #2909 by Ifthen

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UCLA Eng For now

CED. it might not offer alternative pathway. thanks!

got it! thanks

we all have that

The first signs of the glitch were present May 4th (the first Monday of May) from what I saw so definitely keep checking portals the next few days. I would advise everyone to check withdrawal messages and look out if you get ā€œI will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to cancel my admission. I understand that the admission deposit is not refundableā€ and ā€œI will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my applicationā€

So most people can no longer edit or view their waitlist application, one week from today most likely :slight_smile:

next friday decisions will come most probably

I think the edit option has disappeared for everyone, not a bunch of people

I am not able to see that I opted in for the waitlist at all

thereā€™s no waitlist thing under forms for me, is it the same for everyone?