*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Yes. Do you also have the * Fall Program for Freshmen link under your helpful links?

If you find your massage in the source code, there’s a form function that returns several Booleans. The enrolled message returns false, false, true, so does the “I will not be coming…” message, so they most likely have the same input(your decision).

that sounds so complicated…

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I selected all the coding. Then typed false nothing appeared. Afterwards true and this appeared “set”, “anonymizeIp”, true . I know nothing about coding so is this what you’re talking about? :dizzy_face:

All other messages have different return, but these two have the same, the first one is for enrolled students, so I assume the second message “I will not be coming to UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application” means you are admitted.

this is what mine says

how many have the I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application

Everyone I think

so wait how is it an indicator

It’s not yet an indicator, but the message is going to change in a few days. At that time if one gets “I will not be coming…” then it’s an indicator

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ahh got it thank you!!

Does everyone have the same message right now?

someone said they have unauthorized

I thought they said they were appeals?

oh nvm then lol. hard to keep track

Wait no i dont think so??

yep i do - i also have a thing that says explore housing options

this waitlist is pretty much my last decent chance of getting into one of my top choices, hopefully we all receive some good news next week lol. havent had any since january


those guys are appeals (and if you remember from the RD round they got rejected and got the unauthorized signal)

looks like the indicator this year will be in the withdraw application section. so keep checking, and also watch out for any other interesting portal changes. my prediction is that new changes will come on monday (like last year)

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