*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

is this an indicator?? I thought the fpf was because i’m an engineering major but idk about housing options…

wait nvm i have the housing options thing too!

makes sense

I think everyone has those under links

we are sooo close to them releasing (possibly) the first wave!! AHH IM SO NERVOUS FOR ALL OF US


im scared of the portal changes

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yaaa same

hopefully in 2/3 days like before

the portal changes happen in 2-3 days??

at least last year it was around may 4 iirc

ahh ok ok we should all let each other know if anything happens

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yeah. hopefully im in the first wave and not in the second wave

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yupp i hope we are all in the first wave!!! - it would be so funny if we all saw each other on campus

first wave will be a lot of IS. second wave will mostly be OOS. praying i get first wave as well, but i can only realistically see myself not getting in or getting in the second wave unless my waitlist essay really carried me

rip im OOS too haha

ahh good luck bro. im praying i get into cal or ucla so badly


with glitches (if you see an address glitch it dosen’t mean much so don’t fret over it) any faq changes or the link disappearing is indicative of the acceptance! however, i predict this year the main indicator will be the withdrawal form (as shown through RD and source code files)

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You mean the link of withdraw application disappears later?

no the FAQ link might disappear and the withdraw application message changes

yea this is my prediction! lets see bro im just praying by some miracle the berkeley gods accept me. usc is way too expensive :frowning:

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