*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

tbh we dont even know if the wave has ended because they haven’t sent out the actual decisions

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this wasnt a wave man its just an anomoly. literally no one has this and most of the folks in my school get off the wl historically.

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i pretend i do not see

but seriously lol if it’s l&s there HAS to be more lns people accepted soon, this isn’t ■■■■■■■ stanford we’re applying to.

there will definitely be more so don’t worry


idk man we have a student id and email, so i think it’s pretty legit?

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yeah ur good

yea ur in bro dont worry lmao

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I’m just so scared, i already told my family and all. imagine it backfiring lmao

can you send a ss of your portal interface

i cant imagine explaining glitches to my family

im positive ur getting in

holy up u have an email? dawg u can only set up an email with a cal central ID. sounds fishy

he already sent ss scroll up

lolll exactly!!

no i meant application portal not cal central

no yeah ur fine i was j hypothesizing for l&s HAHA

@mohammed5730 check ur faqs and withdraw messages as well and can you please send a ss

yeah man they set up an id and email for me

hmm are u sure u had no prior affiliation bc I dont have any of the email stuff. in fact I am not even in the directory yet

iirc there was some place on cal central where you can see for sure that you were accepted or something i forgot what it was

my guy can you take a ss without showing your name