*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

welcome to the rest of us with unauthorized

I know it means the same thing but does yours say ā€œunauthorizedā€ or ā€œunrecognizedā€


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dont get me wrong, i am sure all of you guys are smart people but reading this thread and seeing some people just jump to conclusions makes me question the people on the berkeley waitlist LOL like cmon we are smarter than this, no glitch yet, we will just see by friday

best of luck to everyone and praying we get in :smiley:


did u get unauthorized as well?

yes like nearly everyone and i go to a school where berkeley consistenetly accepts like 70-80 people from my school. the 3 other friends who also got waitlsited it as well. and a couple from other schools im just friends with.

so just relax, take some time to yourself and let it come to you!


Hey guys

Okay i see the people up getting in the cal central

I am instate. college natural resources.


but some are getting UNAUTHORIZED login

what is the difference!


hmmm none of us may know but it does hint something interesting.

na we are just saying unauthorized. its unrecognized lmao


ok so its all Unrecognized. for the people who cant get in

yep and there are only 2 people who could get in right now

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oh apparently someone on reddit could as well

i think my calcentral thingy might have changed from unauthorized to unrecognized? idk i cant really remember, but it says unrecognized right now. iā€™m in state l&s btw.

might be the same guy on this thread

could you send the link of reddit

whats the portal astrology?

no definitive answer cuz 99% of people here cannot log in. only 2 can.

where to login?

@Nobrains29 unrecognized/unauthorized or can you go into the portal??

https://calcentral.berkeley.edu/. Click sign in and log in with MAP ID
