*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

@mohammed5730 or @unisigno2 did one of you comment on the reddit post?

not me prob mohammed

yeah the reddit dude is doing architecture (and i think thats in college of environmental design?)

architecture is under that lol. i think its mohamed. his profile is amazing!

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Congrats to the ppl who were able to log on!

I’m also an CED applicant but no change yet. Inter.

hope the faq glitch could show up tmr :pleading_face:


omg i’m so flattered thank youuuu hahah, and yeah that was me sorry for scaring you guys

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when I try to log in via cal central :point_up_2:t4:

I got something similar at first, now it just says unrecognized

wait lemme try again

oh yeah same :pensive:


guys idk what happened but i can no longer access my calcentral portal. I’M FREAKING OUT RN

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lol, honestly none of us have any idea of whats going on with your portal man. it seems like you might have gotten in, but still dont get your hopes up because who knows tbh.

dude I’M GOING CRAZY HONESTLY NOW. like i’m so scared that I actually didn’t get in. urghhh why must Berkeley do this to students

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tbf, we brought this upon ourselves lol

Nah there’s a berkeley AO stalking this forum and fixing up the bugs


hahah that’s true ngl

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