*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

well, i guess welcome back to the club

Lmao to the AO reading this: plz stop fixing and let us know the result earlier(either through faq or status update).

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i don’t wanna be part of the club thoo, but thanks i guess?

I’ll repost what I posted earlier about 2020:

re: 2020
There was the FAQ glitch on Monday May 4th at around 4pm. Then nothing until Friday May 8th at exactly 12:18 PM PDT
That’s when the admissions FAQ appeared, and everyone who got the Admissions FAQ on May 8th got in.

However there were examples of people who got the admissions FAQ glitch on Friday but did NOT get the double FAQ glitch on Monday.

so how long did the glitches last? like did the people who got the double FAQ stay on the portal until friday?

neither do we fam :sob::skull:

that’s a good question. I don’t remember. But I think the glitches went away before friday, bc people spoke about it in the past tense on Friday, like “I HAD the glitch.” So my memory says that it was there, then went away before friday. not sure how long it lasted.

hi, does anyone know number of students in each college? I think the majority is from L&S and CNR. Rarely see CED applicant. Since COE, COC, and CED applicants are follow the traditional pathway, it’s harder to get off the waitlist.

you mean number of students on the WL by college? i dont think that data is publicly available

I mean number of students that typically enrolled.

it’s not quite useful though😂

check campus data on the berkeley OPA website, they have a lot of stats there

mee too

Okay on the OPA website it says 6,180 applicants sent a SIR for 2020-2021 undergrad admissions?

is this new info?

Doesn’t that mean their yield is low😳 someone said how many spots they had but I forgot


whats SIR lol

Statement of Intent to Register so like when u send in ur deposit to tell a college ur going there

state of interest, like number of students paying the deposit