*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*

Calm down guys our future has been determined :clown_face:


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so nothing today? or is it 3 pm

I doubt a wave is coming today as there has been no glitch for anyone. And every decision so far has had a glitch

the admissions officer confirmed to multiple people that there would be a wave today, donā€™t fret about it

awesome, thank you so much

Well I pray your right lol

On zoom ?

they have a live chat thing on their admissions website where you can ask an admissions rep any question about waitlist but some of their answers are really vague

Doesnā€™t seem like it will come out today?

In reading past waitlist threads, it always seems like wave 2 would come out a week after wave 1. I think that would put wave 2 on Monday. Still, since so many communicated directly with AOs that said it would happen today, I remain hopeful that we hear something soon.

I just asked and they said ā€œ we do not have an official release date or time for waitlist decisionsā€

Iā€™m guessing every Tuesday since the first wave was this Tuesday and the last wave of June 1st is Tuesday.

Can anyone send the discord link plz?

The first wave on Tuesday was mainly CM and a few FPF, and it appeared from some posts that folks who got off the WL immediately accepted their admission. So it is not like the AOs are waiting to see how many slots they need to fill based on acceptances from the first wave. But then who knows how their logic works. This is like ā€œwaiting for Godotā€!

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there is no wave today

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this has been an awful experience


How do we know nothing today?

Do people think no more waitlist admits from in state?

awful. nothing. Absolutely awful.

a complete joke.



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