*UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion*


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first wave was Tuesday at 3pm. So maybe some luck on the coming Tuesday

I wish one of my twins (who was a regular admit) hadn’t accepted the traditional pathway so quickly. That way, we’d have been able to see how many FPF spots are still there. Anybody knows somebody who was a regular admit, but who hasn’t chosen a pathway yet? S/he can be our source of valuable information. Maybe we can post on the UCB board. A regular admit can choose the traditional pathway any time, and so there may be some who still haven’t selected one.

nothing came out today. there will be more in states forsure

yo, what glitch are you talking about? sorry, i haven’t been keeping up w this thread. or if anyone else could lmk what theyre talking abt that would be cool


I think the waitlist glitch is that if ur FAQ on portal disappear at noon, ur portal will likely be updated on the same date (which means u r off the waitlist)

I don’t think FAQ works. On Tuesday when I got off the waitlist, the FAQ link was there.

which faq link are you talking about? the one on the sidebar?

does anybody know if i applied for chemical engineering( which belongs to the college of chemistry) would i be getting off the waitlist as l&s or college of chemistry? and which of the pathways
 didn’t see many situations i can relate to. thx

college of chemistry, which only has traditional pathway

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oh okay. thank you for the info!

no the one under the ‘status update’ catalog

what is the update with engineering are we predicting high, low, or same as always acceptance rate?

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ik i was asking which one they were talking about

Does anyone know if what the appeal glitch is, if any?


Saw this poll for L&S majors on discord server

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It seems that they will definitely release majority of results next week, cuz the Wait List Opt-in Form can no longer be viewed. I mean when I click the link of Opt-in form in my decision letter, it says “Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.”

yeah me 2