UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

I think last one which I think everyone has atm just means they haven’t put results in portal.

Anyone know what the astrology last year was , with the withdraw button?

A post about this ?( Is it ok to link other peoples posts like this? Apologies if I am not supposed to)

Someone earlier mentioned dashes and the withdraw button.

Does that mean , after you click the withdraw option?

I would be very careful about posting this kind of thing. You really don’t want others posting withdrawals using your id token (which that looks like). I’m not sure how secure their backend is against people posting that form.

It would be interesting to know if people have different withdrawal prompts. They must once the results are actually exposed.

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I would certainly NOT recommend messing with a withdrawal function!


Just to clarify, is the Welcome Reception thing still working for some? It worked for me for a couple of days but now it says I’m not authorized to access the form. Just trying to find out if some can still use the form without getting this message?

Yeah… I really didn’t think that through… I was just so eager at trying to help with the astrology discussion

Only works for the early admits at the moment

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I think the answer is no, if you try to access a welcome event directly from apply.berkeley.edu/register/

If you were able to access it the other day, and you DID register for a welcoming event, you can still access that particular event from the link sent to you in your confirmation email.
If you did NOT register for an event, then you most likely cannot gain access to the welcome event autofill page anymore.

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Yeah, that makes sense.

Correct. I did register but then I cancelled it. But I can still use the confirmation link to get back to the Welcome registration page which still works, surprisingly.

Everything is making me kinda believe the leak now but the fact that so many ppl had access to the link is kinda sue. I put up a poll on ZeeMee and 50 ppl said they didn’t have access and 50 ppl said they did have access.

That’s kind of a big acceptance rate lol :joy:

50/50 is kind sus, but leak does feel real tbh

it wasnt 50 ppl I think it was like 50% and the sample size was pretty small + theres a bit of bias so who really knows


It is 28% here, and when we consider that kids/parents on CC are tryhards it makes a lot of sense the acceptance rate is well over the actual acceptance rates. There are a few high stat kids who should have gotten rejected by this method, but unfortunately there are always people who are qualified to get in who don’t get in. At the same time, there are also always people with lower stats who get in for whatever reason they do.

I say this as someone who got the unauthorized message that I believe the leak is real unfortunately. All we can do now is pray for waitlist.

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at the same time I had access to the welcome reception but I doubt I was good enough to get into EECS gonna be real I would be surprised if the leaks are real

when I click on withdraw now it says:

Our records indicate you are not authorized to submit this form.

If you believe you have received this message in error, please visit Contact Us - Office of Undergraduate Admissions for assistance.

Same, I think we are rejected.

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