UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

yea, i tried it yesterday morning and it allowed me to register

Son was able to access welcome events and is able to withdraw is app at this time.

anyone remember what were the options for withdraws last year?

Have you try accessing the housing form?

Such good news! I am too scared to click withdraw but I was able to access welcome event and no one else in my school was so hoping it means something!


Are the people who have access to both, mainly in-state or out-of-state?

im in state

where do we find that?

For me it’s still 404.

In-state norcal Public HS

So what’s the withdrawal message that is supposedly the acceptance one?

I’m OOS.

What’s our current theory about this stuff? My sister was not able to access the welcome event and can’t access withdrawal.

15/33 are able to access both, and assuming the one-and-not-the-other votes aren’t true, that’s 15/27, which seems ridiculously high even for a forum like this

Yeah that’s what I feel

Same situation myself, I think it means rejection :frowning:

:frowning: that sucks lol

See I think a welcome event means acceptance and the fact the withdrawal is lining up with the SAME people definitely means something. Plus berkeley tried to patch the leak up.


Yeah that makes sense. Ahh I’m still holding out hope that this is all just random. I’d love for my sister to join me at cal

We hope your sister can join you too!

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