UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

My form has a check box that reads, “I am no longer interested in attending…”

Anyone got something?

I could not access the welcome event and have this “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.” message in the withdrawal form. What does this mean?

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Is that the exact quote?

waitlist? Perhaps… idk

I’m guessing the same lol

I could register for welcome before patch and when I click WITHDRAW i get message " I am no longer interested ****"

what are folks who think they are rejected getting when they access withdraw link?

I could access both the welcome event (before the patch) and can see the withdrawal form. I got accepted to ucla, ucsd, and ucsb so far

My sister can’t access the form at all. It says unauthorized

Here’s the full quote: “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application”

unauthorized is what ppl say is rejection


My guess:

Group 1: People who can access both the Welcome Reception AND the Withdrawal Form. Likely means acceptance.

Group 2: People who COULDN’T access the Welcome Reception AND the Withdrawal Form. Likely means rejection.

Group 3: People who COULDN’T access the Welcome Reception (before patch) but CAN access the Withdrawal form. Likely means waitlist.


Yeh that’s what I got too

This is what my form looks like. Anyone who got this got rejected


So when you log into your portal and click on the withdrawal application link, does it just say unauthorized and nothing else?

yup i got this too, couldnt access the welcome reception either… not looking too good


This seems very very very likely

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Odd that they patched the welcome event so quickly but not the withdrawal page…

It’s sad but it’s fact

welp couldn’t access welcome reception before the patch and can’t access the withdrawal thing either… i’m fine with davis