UCB Portal Astrology Discussion

What about that appeal form thing

Which form? The withdrawl?


I cannot access it.

okay so. I can access the withdrawal form RIGHT NOW with the message:
“I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”

I was able to access the reception BEFORE patch


As of right now, can anybody register for a welcome event? Most are saying they patched it around 1 pm PST on Tuesday.

I cannot.

I think this is the most positive combo there is, right?

yeah, seems to be.

I can’t but I could before patch. I can also access the withdrawal form, which says “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”


In my portal right now, I have access to the withdrawal form. I could not, however, register for a welcome event (although I attempted after it was supposedly patched, 2 pm PST Tuesday)

hopefully this is good news for us bro

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I think there is a very very very heavy correlation between the reception and withdrawal link, which most likely means both are indicative of acceptance, whereas the appeal form is not. Kinda surprised they patched the ones that were not normally accessible in the portal but forgot about that withdrawal button that is just one click from the portal lol


Are people getting different messages in the withdrawal form (apart from unauthorized)?

If I was making the call, I would have brought down the whole site like UCSB did until the time of release.

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It’s very surprising that something as blatant as the withdrawal page could indicate admission.

Two years in a row…

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NYU had same thing but with housing and never fixed it lol