did anyone in the uk also get waitlisted? pls lmk haha
does anyone know what region the people who got off the waitlist so far are in? like which state bc i heard that they remove people by region, so maybe there’s hope?
I know two from New York City
Has anyone from either of the Texas regions gotten off the of the waitlist yet?
Latin America
I’m an international student from East Asia, and I think the adcom might be reviewing my file. I know this is pure, hopeful speculation but the two of my LOCI’s were opened multiple times yesterday by multiple people according to my mail tracker.
Am I being too optimistic?
I’m from New York too - do you know which school/borough because I’ve honestly heard nothing on my end.
I think that they are reviewing everything right now so I wouldn’t stress about it. It’s neither a good/bad indicator.
How do you put in an email tracker?
ppl are saying ny. i know someone got in international from SA. the ppl i know are full-pay so it might be based off of region or based off of need
I think the waitlist is still ranked, although AOs said there is no ranked.
There is no way they can rank 2,000 students. It also does not make sense for the waitlist is ranked when it is only there to plug holes in the admitted class. They’ll only know after all deposits are in what they need (ex: more kids from the west coast, more chemistry majors, etc), so they cannot rank students beforehand.
If not ranked, how do they select and pull students from waitlist already? They must put students into different categories with some kind priority rankings.
If you’re using Gmail on Chrome, download Streak (https:// www. streak. com/). Remove the spaces; this thread doesn’t allow link attachment.
By SA, do you mean South Asia, South Africa, or Saudi Arabia?
Because enrollment trends are down, or people already turned down their spots and they found candidates with similar credentials on the waitlist.
What mailtracker do you guys use
wait is it actually 2,000 total waitlisted applicants?
@UChiBound said “Streak” for Gmail