<p>Can I write (or UChicago) a fiction type of story. I'm still going to answer the question, but I ws going to create a situation and characters. Is this allowed? Given the unorthidox nature of their essays I was thinking that this would be acceptable?</p>
<p>Yes. 10 char.</p>
<p>Many of the options in past years have lent themselves directly into a story. Students (admitted students in particular) often write stories. My only caveat is to clearly delineate the fiction-- if it involved flying space monkeys, then yeah, clearly fiction. But if it's realistic fiction that includes the word "I" a lot... be careful!</p>
<p>PM user dchow08 and see if he's up for sharing his fictional essay with you that he wrote for Chicago-- he sent it to me and I lurved it.</p>