<p>Hi! So, right now I'm really scared about college. I have a collective GPA of a 4.00. I'm taking AP Calc AB, AP Bio, AP U.S. History, and AP English 3, Theatre 1, and Spanish 3. I'm in the top 4% of my class, so I will be in ELC. I got a 1660 on my SATs, and I really don't want to retake it.. </p>
<p>Volunteer Work:
I'm a tutor for Spanish 1 and 2 kids, I'm a youth leader at church and also in the Praise Team at church, as well. I also tutor elementary kids at two local schools, I'm in varsity tennis and track, I've been singing for 4 years, I've gotten an award from the Fullerton School District for helping set up Red Ribbon Week at my school. I'm part of the executive board member of P.A.L.s and I'm also in People to People. I've also actively participated in my school's "Pep Week" for four years. I have more community service, but this is all I remember. LOL. Please help!
My dream school are UCI and UCSB. Do you think I'll get in? I know my SAT score is a little low, but I really don't want to take it over again.</p>
<p>HELP PLEASE ^^</p>
<p>In terms of getting in to UCI, everything sounds great except for your SAT score. </p>
<p>I had gotten into UCI with a GPA slighty lower that yours in the top 15% of my class and different ECs (I’m happy to share what they are/were if you message me about them) but my SAT was much higher just to give you a gauge. The UCs put a lot of weight on the SATs, so sadly having a bad SAT score could be detrimental to your admission. It also depends on what college/major your applying toward. I applied for biomedical engineering at UCI.</p>
<p>Thanks! However, I am a little apprehensive about taking the SATs again. I got a 670 on my math, 550 on my english and a 490 on the writing (which, as you can see is not by area of strength). But is having a 1660 a bad score?</p>
<p>Well, considering how competitive college admissions have gotten, it definitely lower than average. My SAT was in the high 1900s, which many say is a bad score… I was admitted into UCI but not UCSB.</p>
<p>I don’t mind taking the SATs over again, but I am concerned about the fact my scores could go down, even with studying over the summer.
And I’m going to apply towards a polysci major with a minor in economics.</p>
<p>Many people take SAT courses to try to improve their scores which can get extremely expensive. My advice would be to go to borders and find their section with SAT prep books with a notebook you’ve brought from home and take some of their practice tests. There are also some practice tests online on the college board website if I’m not mistaken, and they can be helpful, especially for the reading an writing sections to help build understanding of what they’re looking for from you on the test.</p>
<p>Okay. Thank you soo much! This has helped me a lot!</p>
<p>Also, I wouldn’t worry about your scores dropping. I took it twice, and the second time I took it, my math score went down by about 20 points but my around score went up about 40. So it all balanced out</p>
<p>Haha, awesome! Hopefully, I can get my writing up this time, but I really hate the short 25 minutes.</p>
<p>You’re welcome
I you have any other questions feel free to ask them</p>
<p>Will do [: Thank you so much!</p>