<p>One of my friends told me that the two schools consulted this year, and agreed to not accept any of the same students. I thought that sounded a little suspicious, but she insisted she was correct. I’m curious, was anyone admitted to both schools?</p>

<p>Yes, I got regents at UCI and regular admission at UCD.</p>

<p>Where do these rumors come from? lol</p>

<p>Wow, that would suck. But at least they would give the rest of us a better chance :P</p>



<p>From anxious/nervous seniors who haven't gotten in yet. ;)</p>

<p>I got into both schools</p>

<p>lol. people and their rumors... this i definitely not the case. I think that would against what UCs stood for.</p>

<p>Not true. I got early admission into Irvine and regular to Davis.</p>

<p>not true....this doesnt make sense....each willl take the students they feel are best ( davis mught like one student but irivne might not.....it depends)davis has formula, irvine holistic system</p>

<p>i got into both this week</p>

<p>Irvine does not have a holistic system. UCI is also on a formula.</p>

<p>it has formula but is it not published?</p>

<p>Yup, as far as I know anyhow.</p>

<p>Got into both, as did several of my friends.</p>

<p>what's a ballpark range for the avg # of pts from the UCD system that's accepted? and does volunteering count in any of the categories?</p>

<p>I got into both schools as well, so obviously your friend is wrong.</p>

<p>It would not make any sense for UCI and UCD to collaborate on admissions, since they have no way of knowing which school their admits prefer, if they prefer one school at all. Plenty of admits would take UCSD, UCLA, or Berkeley over both, for example.</p>

<p>What is UCSD versus UCI and UCD's ranks? My nephew wanted to choose UCD over UCSD/UCI, was this a bad idea?</p>

<p>but..he was rejected from Davis.. that was a big bummer for him.</p>

<p>I'm not sure of the exact ranks, but the consensus is that UCs can be placed into three tiers:
Top tier: Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD
Mid tier: Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara
Lower tier: Santa Cruz, Riverside, Merced</p>

<p>Their average UC GPAs are roughly:
Berkeley/UCLA 4.15
UCSD 4.05
UCSC 3.7
UCR 3.6</p>


<p>from rankings it looks like
tier 1: ucb/ucla
tier 2: sd/d/i/sb
tier3: sc/r</p>

<p>Am I wrong? I don't think many young people will pass up LA/B for Davis. But I think many will considering passing SD for Davis?.. Any parents agree?</p>

<p>I did my undergrad at UCSB btw. A great school, but something my nephew is still waiting on.</p>