<p>@Alli1drlnd here’s the link: <a href=“https://login.uci.edu/ucinetid/webauth?return_url=https://services.admissions.uci.edu:8443/cgi-bin/maa_uci.cgi?action=loginwebauth[/url]”>UCInetID Secure Web Login;
<p>@anadela thanks! It’s a good thing I asked, because I was accepted!! I didn’t get an email or anything! </p>
<p>I guess I can post this thing: </p>
GPA: 3.84
major: Drama (musical theatre)
prerequisites: complete
TAG: No.</p>
<p>im a junior CSU to UC transfer, got in UCR and waiting for UCI now, most likely I wont get in UCI but im still waiting!</p>
i saw it last year so oh well im a glass half empty kind of person</p>
<p>Last year there was a huge batch around the 24th! I think… So lets not lose hope!!</p>
<p>My friend got in last year on May 2nd!!! I know it was very late, but, that happens!</p>
<p>As much as I feel that I want to give up, it’s only the middle of April and this is too early for me to throw the towel in. There’s still more to come and at this point I’m mentally preparing myself for the inevitable, good or bad.</p>
<p>I guess you guys are right, but the only thing really stopping me from going to UCR is that they haven’t released financial aid awards yet. But it’s not like its going to make a difference how much I’m going to get if UCI doesn’t accept me. I won’t have a choice…sigh</p>
<p>Its not that im sure i wont get in its just id rather assume i dont and not stress about it while i wait for my decision then if i get in it will be a nice suprise as opposed to looking every day always stressed about it</p>
<p>@rickyseg no offense but I hope you don’t have that same mentality while you’re looking for a job. theres still some time to go! I hope we all get in.</p>
<p>Guys! Just checked the site 25 min ago! And decisions are in, ACCEPTED TO UCI FALL 2013!!! THE STRESSING IS OVER!!!</p>
<p>Guessing I’m rejected then… :(</p>
<p>@kalikid congrats!! glad that you got the acceptance letter. LOL SCREW THIS I’M GONNA BE HOPEFUL NO MATTER WHAT.</p>
<p>Haha nah I just would rather put my mind on things more important like classes than stress about something i have no control over</p>
<p>@ayacoob don’t give up until the fat lady sings her heart out! Thanks @anadela!!
Been waiting a long time to earn the right to post this: </p>
<p>Decision: ACCEPTED
Major: Criminology Law & Society
GPA: 3.6
Pre-Req: Completed IGETC
TAG: Yes</p>
<p>@rickyseg The glass is still half full ! Don’t lose all hope just yet!</p>
<p>Wow holy bananas I got accepted OMG I’m like freaking out right now. I got rejected as a senior so this is huge for me oh man I’m shaking.</p>
<p>Decision: Accepted
Major: Political Science
GPA: 3.5
Transferring from UCR :)</p>
<p>Are they still posting decisions?</p>
<h1>kimmy its looking more empty each day hahahaha</h1>
<p>What the hell there’s still more decisions being released tonight?!</p>