UCI Transfer 2013 Decisions

<p>still no decision :frowning: international studies here</p>

<p>I just checked the Message Center tonight because I read people getting accepted on the forum. I didn’t get any email from UCI.</p>

<p>Didn’t hear anything I’m just going to take that as a rejection and move on I guess im gonna have a year off of school. No point in stressing myself out hoping ill hear from them before the 29th.</p>

<p>They ARE teasing us, how are they going to send me an e-mail about my financial aid status and when I check it’s not updated. Then I check my message center and there’s no admissions decision. I’m Suffering!</p>

<p>@rickeyseg theres still quite a while til the end of april</p>

<p>@wordofmeekz i know what you mean. i’m not sure if i’m going to apply for housing, but it would be nice to know how much i’d be receiving for financial aid if i get in of course. i even tagged for UCI as well with my major.</p>

<p>@Speakbraille Last year for freshman most if not all acceptances came before the last full week of the month i assume it will be similar here. it’s easier to assume I’m not in and no life my current classes than stress about it each day and put in regular effort in my classes (still A’s). And if they continue doing decisions wednesday next week is the last one.</p>

<p>Did any UC-UC transfers get in today? :o</p>

<p>Lol, I’m done checking my portal for tonight. Sigh*</p>

<p>Let’s go Friday…or tomorrow.</p>

<p>I give up. It’s a rejection at this point so I’m not going to bother checking every five hours.</p>

<p>theres a chance that some people will be waitlisted. so don’t lose all hope!</p>

<p>I’m already looking for a job hahahha I have no more classes to take this is all of it, would have been nice to have some easy A’s so that id have two C’s weighing down 60 units worth of class instead of two C’s in 45 units of class. also why didnt i apply for the easiest major to get into and then just switch my major???</p>

GPA: 3.46
Major: English
prerequisites: Complete
TAG: No</p>

<p>I have to decide between UCI and UCR now (I live in Corona)</p>


<p>I seriously checked all day… ALL DAY.
Woke up at 7…checked… 7:30…check 8…checked… literally every 30 minutes. I had class 6-9 checked. NOTHING…got home at 9:30 checked…NOTHING…
came on here…checked at 10:15…and there it was!</p>

<p>@ccstinacee CONGRATSSSS! SO glad you got an acceptance today. gives me hope that they’re still releasing throughout tonight and the rest of this week.</p>

<p>I expect to see this again this year hahhah
[url=&lt;a href=“http://gyazo.com/62ce75f494e2cb60bd542b29bd9be925]62ce75f494e2cb60bd542b29bd9be925.png[/url”&gt;Screenshot - 62ce75f494e2cb60bd542b29bd9be925 - Gyazo]62ce75f494e2cb60bd542b29bd9be925.png[/url</a>]</p>

<p>Still haven’t seen many business majors post in here</p>

<p>I agree with Ricky, I give up. I’ll just go ahead and send an SIR to UCR. I’m so tired of waiting.</p>

<p>@rickyseg do not say that!!! That link is so ugly!!! I saw that link my senior year of high school in 2011. so horrible :frowning: </p>

<p>and @cynicc… NOO. None of you give up! Please do not. Have FAITH!! be positive. I felt like giving up too. Going insane and becoming anxious…but was BLESSED…just be patient and do not lose hope!!</p>

<p>Does anyone know how to check the portal? I was assuming I’d get an email but people keep saying they’re checking some kind of portal. I didn’t even know there was one…</p>