UCI vs UCD for premed

<p>Hi. I got into UCI and UCDAvis now the difficult thing is choosing b/t the two. I lved the UCI campus but was okay with UCD. If I want to either be a biology of bio chem major with minor in anthropology which one is a better school. Can you please help me choose? What I really want out of a school is a good support system. Especially if your a first generation college student like me. I need all the help and advice I can get. Which one can provide me with better support and ensure that I get into med school given that I do get the grades and the scores on the MCAT.</p>

<p>i would think davis</p>

<p>How come can you elaborate? it would be helpful
May be it'd help if I put a list of pro's and cons</p>

-offers medical anthropology
-has around five medical centers that I could volunteer and do research at.
-beautiful campus
-is surrounded by great things to do.
-dean: orientation seemed very put together.. like they knew that appearance and presentation was important.
-students seem relatively nice.
-away from home and old friends opportunity to make new friends and learn about different people
- great scholarship at the end junior or senior year. Buddhist Dalai lama scholarship .. you wouldn't find that at davis.</p>

-teachers seem like they might not be that great
-counselors weren't that good. I went to the biological scienves intro session and it was really that helpful.. so I don't know how it will be if I am sitting next to them trying to plan out my career.
-fewer majors
-less known well at least in the nor cal area
-far away from home</p>

<p>UC Davis:
-EOP program that helps college transition
-Close to home and family
-lots of students from school coming( might be good or bad)
-$1000 more dollars in aid but does not make a difference
- As I continue in years I can probably get cheap housing of campus
-I have a bettter scope of their academic structure. It seemed like they're more willing to help students with school work and questions they might have. professeurs seem more accessable
- Equestrian center--> awesome. every little girls dream to have a horse in her backyard.!
- Close to home
- smells a lot like cows
- -lots of students from school coming( might be good or bad)
-too much competition with other pre med students.
-less research opportunities at nearby hospitals. lab research probably same as Irvine.</p>

<p>According to what I've seen from visiting the schools UCI and UCD are the SAME, thats right they are. UCI and UCLA are the UCD and UCB of southern California. To answer your question both schools are great for premed. The only thing you have to decide is which schools atmosphere is more suited for you. </p>

<p>Here are things that I'm considering before submitting my SIR...
1. If I go to Irvine, I get to start a new life that is outside my comfort zone.
2. Although I'm away from my friends I still could visit them because they are all going to college around the same area.
3. Socal is so far away from the Bay....
4. The party scene, and how the campus is on the weekends.</p>

i would think davis


<p>I would think irvine.</p>

<p>go to UCI if you are not crazy about athletics and sports games and the like. UCI is a lot bit more bourgeousie-like because of the neighborhood, if you want to study a lot go to UCI. in my opinion UCI is better for premeds because its easier/cheaper to have fun at UCD, therefore less distractions at UCI. UCD would have been my choice if i wasnt a premed, because it is more fun.</p>