UCI vs UCD pre med

My end goal is just to be able to go to med school, so I was wondering which school would increase my chance the most.

Neither school is going to increase your chances of getting into Medical school. Getting into Medical school is all up to you. Getting a High GPA and High MCAT score, finding medically related EC’s and seeking out Pre-Med advising.

The schools will offer you the academics so you can complete your Medical school pre-req courses and will offer Pre-med advising but it is up to you to take advantage of all opportunities available.

Both have Medical schools so no guarantee that you will be accepted into their programs if you attend those schools for Undergrad.

Select the school that makes sense for you financially since Medical school is expensive, academically since Pre-Med is a tough and competitive goal and socially since you will need some down time.

Best of luck with your decision.