UCLA 101: Academics, Extracurriculars, College Life, Westwood, Dorming...

<p>and Everything Else an Incoming Freshman Should Know </p>

<p>So, there have been a lot of repetitive threads about registering for classes. People are confused about the Orientation process and all things UCLA-related. I figured that it’d be a good idea to consolidate all of the information within a thread with “articles” on specific topics. It could also serve as a place for FAQs. I’ll begin with one of the hot topics right now: </p>


<p>Registering for Classes:


<li>[Determine</a> your major’s requirements.](<a href=“http://cis.ucla.edu/studyarea/]Determine”>http://cis.ucla.edu/studyarea/) For more information about the major and various programs affiliated with it, click [here[/url</a>]. Most of you are probably in the [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.college.ucla.edu%5DCollege”&gt;http://www.college.ucla.edu]College</a> of Letters and Sciences](<a href=“http://www.ucla.edu/academics.html]here[/url”>http://www.ucla.edu/academics.html). I don’t think we have many A&A and TFT kids here. </li>
<li>Look specifically at the lower-division requirements.</li>
<li>[Determine</a> whether or not you have passed out of any introductory classes through AP or IB exams.](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/Prospect/APCredit.htm]Determine”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/Prospect/APCredit.htm)<br></li>
<li>[Check</a> out UCLA’s degree requirements.](<a href=“http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/catalog/catalog05-07under-5.htm]Check”>http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/catalog/catalog05-07under-5.htm) </li>
<li>University Req (They are listed on the URL in the previous line just above.)</li>
<li>[College</a> Req<a href=“CL&S,%20HSSEAS,%20A&A,%20TFT,%20Nursing,%20…”>/url</a> </li>
<li>Department Req (This is essentially your major’s requirements - lower and upper division. Plus, there are other options involving specialized concentrations within the major or Honors related things involving your area of study. Consult your individual department’s website.) </li>
<li>[url=&lt;a href=“http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/ge/]Check”&gt;http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/ge/]Check</a> out the GE requirements for your individual school.](<a href=“http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/catalog/catalog05-07coll.htm]College”>http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/catalog/catalog05-07coll.htm) Become familiar with the notation and the foundation areas and sub-foundation requirements. </li>
<li>For a consolidated understanding of everything you need for completing your degree, go to [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.ursa.ucla.edu%5DURSA%5B/url”&gt;http://www.ursa.ucla.edu]URSA[/url</a>] and click on “Degree Progress Report.” </li>
<li>If you’re in the honors program, you’ll also need to be aware of those requirements as well. Click [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.college.ucla.edu/up/honors/program.html]here[/url”&gt;http://www.college.ucla.edu/up/honors/program.html]here[/url</a>] for information about the College Honors Program (CHP). </li>

<p>By this point, you should be familiar with what you need for your degree. Now, you need to know how you’ll actually organize your courses –</p>

<li>Essentially, for most majors, your Orientation Counselor is going to recommend that you take 2 of your major requirements (lower-division) with a GE class. OK, so you know what you need to take for lower-division - how do you find your GE classes? Here’s a shortcut: </li>
<li>Click [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/schedule/gesearch.aspx]here[/url”&gt;http://www.registrar.ucla.edu/schedule/gesearch.aspx]here[/url</a>] from the Registrar’s Schedule of Classes website. This is self-explanatory. </li>
<li>You should look at your major’s requirements first in the Schedule of Classes before searching for a GE though. </li>
<li>Go to [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.my.ucla.edu%5DMyUCLA%5B/url”&gt;http://www.my.ucla.edu]MyUCLA[/url</a>] and select “Class Planner” on the left-hand side. Go ahead and select the GE/Major Classes/Foreign Language/English Comp. 3 classes and find the best possible schedule.</li>
<li>Remember to take into consideration your professors for the classes - multiple professors frequently teach the same class within a quarter especially if it’s a huge lecture introductory class. For this you can consult [url=&lt;a href=“http://www.bruinwalk.com%5DBruinWalk%5B/url”&gt;http://www.bruinwalk.com]BruinWalk[/url</a>] to get an idea of what they’re like.

Clarifying points? Questions/Comments/Concerns? More topics? Suggested articles? There was a beautiful thread written by VTECaddict a few weeks ago about dorming options. I’ll try to make a consolidated and organized pseudo-Wiki article on facets of UCLA. I hope the Registering for Classes issue is clearer now though.</li>

<p>Wow great thread thanks</p>

<p>Didn't I propose this like Winter Break? :D I think there should be a sticky thread about "What classes to choose", but I don't want to answer that since it would be a hassle.</p>

<p>oh wow THANKS emmeline this'll help me out so much. i felt like a blind man walking around.. in the dark.. trying to read the ucla website with all its words and pages and requirements...</p>

<p>Thank you a ton for this post and your help in my other thread, I think I have an idea of how to get through next quarter(academically at least).</p>

<p>However, I'm having a problem with the class planner. The S asian class I wanted to take originally filled up, so I'm looking at new combinations. Right now I want to go with:
LifeSci 1 (5 units)
Med 19 (1 unit)
Calc 3a (4 units)
Hist 9d (5 units)</p>

<p>The problem arises when I try to find a schedule using the class planner, it is only giving the the discussion section for 3a, without a lecture. Or, when I go into One By One mode and add a Lecture manually, it deletes my discussion, even though the two don't overlap with anything. Is this normal, and how do I work around it?</p>

<p>Also, I got a 3 on the Calculus AB test, so do I still need to take the Math Diagnostic at Orientation to take 3a, or can I just take it because of the score?</p>

<p>I SAY we should get this topic 'sticky threaded' :)</p>

LifeSci 1 (5 units)
Med 19 (1 unit)
Calc 3a (4 units)
Hist 9d (5 units)</p>

<p>The problem arises when I try to find a schedule using the class planner, it is only giving the the discussion section for 3a, without a lecture. Or, when I go into One By One mode and add a Lecture manually, it deletes my discussion, even though the two don't overlap with anything. Is this normal, and how do I work around it?</p>

<p>Also, I got a 3 on the Calculus AB test, so do I still need to take the Math Diagnostic at Orientation to take 3a, or can I just take it because of the score?

When you add the discussion section, you are automatically enrolled in the lecture. I don't know about your problems with the lecture overlap though. It could be that they have the same final exam date and time. I forgot to mention that you guys should definitely consider when you're having your final exams - you definitely don't want 3 finals in a row (potentially 9 hours of constant test-taking). </p>

<p>You're still going to need to take the math placement test during Orientation. Getting a 3 just gives you some units that don't really contribute to anything except for your class standing. Click [url=<a href="http://www.math.ucla.edu/ugrad/apcredit.shtml%5Dhere%5B/url"&gt;http://www.math.ucla.edu/ugrad/apcredit.shtml]here[/url&lt;/a&gt;] for more information.</p>


<p>Does anyone have any questions or anything about UCLA that requires significant and thorough explanation? </p>

<p>...I have too much free time.</p>

<p>once again, emmeline saves the day! haha</p>

<p>MWRARRRRRRRRRR!! <em>bark</em></p>

<p>lol haha :)</p>

<p>Forget it! This is absolutely useless! <em>spits</em></p>

<p>How does rushing a fraternity go down as a junior transfer? I rushed one @ my old school, but once I decided I was going to transfer didn't wanna go through with it (they didn't have it @ LA). Is it hard to get a bid since you're already a junior, is this common or no?</p>

<p>It depends on the house.</p>

<p>I think someone's already asked this question before...</p>

<p>so i was looking at the AP units page and was looking at physics and chemistry. It says that i ve tested out of the general classes. Lookin at the class planer, there doesnt seem to be a general chem or physics class, so i was wonderin what did i test out of if i tested out of nething?</p>

<p>chem 20A and physics 1A</p>

<p>So, 4-5 on chem is general chem = chem 20A, right?
So what did I test out of w/ a 3 (= intro chem)?</p>

<p><a href="http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/Prospect/APCredit.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/Prospect/APCredit.htm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>How does rushing a fraternity go down as a junior transfer? I rushed one @ my old school, but once I decided I was going to transfer didn't wanna go through with it (they didn't have it @ LA). Is it hard to get a bid since you're already a junior, is this common or no?</p>



<p>I'm trying to figure out which English class to take. I have to take English 3 but I'm in the Honor's College so I was trying to find English 3H because I know that it exists, or at least it used to. Anyone out there know how I can fulfill an English requirement and honor's requirement in English 3?</p>

<p>^ I have the same question, only I wanted to take History 1A Honors... how do I find out if there's an honors section being offered this quarter?</p>

<p>Look at what's in History 89 (where the honors sections go) on the registrar.. otherwise you can set up a contract with your TA or professor to get honors credit.</p>