UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

Beaches. Just kidding!


Thank you! We love UCLA right back!

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Applying to just UCB and UCLA isn’t exactly hedging your bets. They are both harder for your S22 compared to UT Austin. His stats looks solid but the SAT won’t count and if you just look up a few replies above, an in-state applicant with really high stats didn’t get into CS in any of the UCs.


Indeed. We reviewed the admission details before applying and UCLA CS is well into single digit acceptance rates. We applied to upwards of 20 schools and the UC application he filled out for Berkeley was easily leveraged to UCLA, and he didn’t want to pass it up. Slim chances and all.


As an OOS applicant, do you have to make separate applications for the each UC’s ?

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It is the same UC application as in state folks use. If memory serves me right the essay prompts were the same. I seem to remember paying two fees (one for each school).

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One application, 9 UC campuses and you can select different majors for each campus if you want. No difference if you are in-state, OOS or International. $70 application fee per campus. 8 short answer essay prompts and you select 4 topics that are not campus specific.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

I thought UT-Austin is obligated to admit in-state students if he or she is top 6% of the school? Is not?

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Yes you get into the school if you’re top 6% of your high school class but it doesn’t guarantee that you get your major. Decisions to major are holistic. Basically all the auto admit does is give you a guaranteed soft rejection to a major in liberal arts if you don’t land the major you want.

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That is much better than CA top 9% to any UC, not UCB UCLA.


It’s not any UC, it’s to one with availability so Merced


Hi, so UCLA requested for supplemental information to write an essay on my special talent/skill and they want my grades from last semester as well as the classes I am taking right now
Is that good or bad???

I’m no expert, but I think it gives you an extra chance to shine! Good luck on writing your essay!

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I see you 're still busy collecting acceptances from top universities…More power to you…:slight_smile:

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Can you please help me as I got email from UCLA asking for supplemental information to write an essay on my special talent/skill and they want my grades from last semester l. Do I still have a chance?

Of course you have a chance. If UCLA was not interested in you as an applicant, they would have not asked for a supplemental review. This is your chance to show them why you would be an asset as a UCLA student. You want to stress your accomplishments.



ahh thank you so much! First generation so It is amazing to see my hard work pay off

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thank you so much!