UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

thank you so much for your help!

I read that the strongest freshmen applicants are recommended by admissions to be invited to apply for the Regents Scholarship in February, but admissions staff have also said they have so many applications that they review from Dec 1 through mid-March. So doesn’t that mean there is a big chunk of applicants who are necessarily excluded from being invited to apply for a Regents Scholarship bc their application isn’t reviewed until after the Regent app is due?

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Curious mom here. My son just got a callback from UCLA Theater /Film. They want to see how directable he is and gave him notes for his monologues. I’m assuming this is a positive sign. However he was accepted to Baldwin Wallace and loves the size of the school there. Wondering what is a better school for his future in the field? (just in case UCLA accepts him). Thanks.


Has any one had their interview for the Herb Alpert Music History & Industry major? Wondering what to expect…

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I have no experience with UCLA and the Theater arts department other than it is a tough admit with a 4% acceptance rate last year with 3935 applicants and 146 admits. Reputation wise, UCLA has a top program and being called back looks very promising.

I cannot make any recommendations since I know nothing about Baldwin Wallace’s reputation/program, your costs/affordability and your son’s preferences.

Best of luck to him.


Regents scholars are in the top 1-2% of academic stats so UCLA and the other UC’s probably sort based on their academic criteria first and then will narrow their Regents list from there. I am sure applicants that do not meet the top 1-2% criteria will be reviewed later in the admission process so the Regent invites are met by their posting deadline.


Thank you for your response! I’m sure he will wind up where he’s meant to be.
Take Care.

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Any experience with the Music History & Industry major in the music school? Wondering what % are granted an interview and of those, what % accepted. We are OOS. Thanks.

UCLA supplemental questions notice


Sorry no experience with the Music school other than the stats from last year. 968 applicants, admitted 196 so a 20% acceptance rate.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Class of 2026 UC General Discussion Thread

need to make my essays for supplemental 11/10 AH, makes me nervous

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Good for your son!!
My daughter applied in theatre but we haven’t heard anything yet.
What does your son have to do now? Retape his monologues and submit?
Was is your son applying to Baldwin Wallace in musical theater or acting? What does he want to do after graduation? Is he more interested in theater or television and film? BW well known for MT. Did he do the in person audition there?

Thanks, Gumbymom.
A related question. If UCLA admissions uses an algorithm to identify the top 1-2% of applicants to be invited to apply to Regents, what comparable means would admissions have to flag applicants for the alumni scholar program based on (1) essays stand out or (2) have the type of EC or leadership? Those two criteria, which I think you mentioned above, would require reading the entire application. It seems that with 140K applications, admissions would have time only to do full reads and evaluations, not a preliminary review of all apps in time for early to mid January alumni scholarship invites. From my understanding each application is read by two or three readers. And it takes admissions until March to get through them all. I just don’t understand how they could find time to do another review simply to forward a subset to the alumni program. I’m just trying to wrap my head around the processes. Thanks for any insight.


I have no knowledge of the actual process, but alumni scholarships are based on merit, leadership, and service, so it seems like it would be pretty easy to use some GPA threshold to separate out those deemed to have “merit.”

From that high-GPA stack, anyone with something listed in the Community Service/Volunteering section could be forwarded to the scholarship administrators.

They could probably just assume the forwarded high GPA+volunteer apps contain some evidence of leadership, send out the invite to all in the stack, and then evaluate actual leadership if and when an actual scholarship application is submitted.

It is guaranteed admittance to the school but not to a particular major. Because the state of Texas is so big, getting into the most popular majors usually takes near ivy league stats.

I do not work in admissions so I cannot address the exact process. My understanding is that once submitted, the UC applications will start being reviewed. How they are initially sorted for prospective Regents and Alumni scholarship invites is not known but I agree with the points brought up by @CMA22. Believe me there is a “method to the madness” even if it is not obvious to the applicants and parents. There are only so many things in the application process as an outsider that we cannot understand or are given to understand so you have to faith that the process works.

What I have learned in going through the UC application process with my own sons and numerous friends and relatives, is that the students end up at a school where they were meant to be.

My favorite words of wisdom to any student or parent is that where you go for Undergrad will not define you, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful.


We’ve had 2 go through the UC system and I feel the same way. The best one for the kid may not be the one you thought at the start of the process. It may actually be what had been at the bottom of the wish list.


Hi, He applied for Theater at Baldwin Wallace. Did is audition online and was accepted about a month ago. They gave him a huge merit scholarship and honors grant so I think they really want him. He’s ecstatic about it. One of this top choices. He received an email from UCLA Theater/Film on Friday. One of the faculty wants to see how directable he is. They’ve asked him to reshoot his monologues with their directions/notes. He has to submit it by this Monday at 5. Hope your daughter hears some good news soon!!! These kids have worked SO hard. :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


I just realized I didn’t answer your question. Ben is interested in musical theater, acting, directing, film…basically all of it. He’s minoring in Chemistry as well. Go figure :joy:
Again, best wishes and good luck.